i think overall the man makes more sense than most ppl in our govt. liberals dont like him cos he shoots down there ideas (that 90% support the nwo) so they seek to discredit him and hate him and everyone that watches liberal news is trained to hate him too. i think ppl should watch his show...
yes i looked at it, but was puzzled why you would support us. :confused: that weapon has enormous potential, and its kinda scary that we are about a chinese penis close to martial law in the us :-(
this isnt a left right issue. they both take us to the same place. the left has been trained to hate the right, as the right has been trained to hate the left. thats how the nwo agenda is slipping right past us cos most people don't care, there to buisy fighting with there left/right...
its all bs and we know from the creature from jeckyl island that congress wont support an audit cos the fed gived the gove $$ whenever they ask for it. i me and you were to start a private organization doing this we would be put in jail!
yeah but ive seen on plant problems ppls leavs turning over to get the light on the bottom, whateva lol if it happens ull know y.
hey man what did you use for ur fans? i got my box built but i have no fans
If you want to debunk what we post in our own thread then bring proof. don't just criticize. i feel that nobody listens to me when i say this cos all we seem to do is end up fighting. lets be civil about this.
the pope is calling for a global governing power! no matter what its for it...
well, yes and no. i say were open minded to the the nwo takeover. and we are closed minded in the sense that we wont go back to the mindset we had before we were open minded. you are the same way in reverse.