Hey. Nice grow. I just ordered snow white last week and will be cracking them as soon as they arrive. It will be my first grow so i am watching you closely for all the tips I can get. I got a 4 x 4 x 6 walk in closet with a cool tube 400 MH for veg and a cool tube 400 HPS for flowering...
"haha damn why is everyone bumping old ass threads today? lol"
Cuz shebay is running low on Pyrex 'bake arounds' and we been looking for a new glass work-around on this DIY cool tube thing.
I dont know. The Boston shit should be quite low as Canada is growing large quantities and it can easily be brought by boat or small plane into New England. There hasnt been a growing or transportation bust in Canada for a long time except for idoits with thousands of pounds looking to get...
Spring is here again in Fla! We all know what that means. But, to rehash some of last years "growing outside/inside posts", when taking your new babies outside to start getting real sunlight in Fla you WILL pick-up spider mites. You probably can't see them but if its spring they are laying...