I ran the shaman and skunk 1 about 10 years ago.
The shaman was average smoke nothing very special it smelled like pepper.
The skunk 1 smashed everyone who tried it I had people coming back for months chasing it. It was to much for some people to handle it dropped a few people and had them...
White lotus, snow lotus x herijuana and snow lotus x pestilence please :) while your at it throw in the wifi x and the...... Ill just have one of everything.....make that 2....... DAMN YOU BODHI!
Posted - 06/14/2010 : 02:20:28
The Australian Blushwood tree Hylandia dockrillii as a possible source of a cancer treatment received some widespread TV publicity on the Channel 7 Sunday night program on June 13 2010...
Did anyone see the trials in Australia using an extract from blushwood seed used on hundreds of cats horses rats dogs ect with terminal cancer? Every case was a success. Sometimes within 24 hours. It enflames cancer cells causing your body to attack them. It was supposed to be tested to fast...
I am not trying to change your beliefs they are yours but many species not only plants will change sex if there isn't a male present. I'm not saying it happens all the time but it is possible. If there is a basic mendelian genetic that's causing it it would be easily bred out of lines as it...
There may be reasons that have nothing to do with the genetetics. In some species of animal things like temperature can effect the sex of the young.
It would be very hard to pinpoint what is causing an increase in male seed and alot of work would have to be done to find out.Even hermaphrodites...
No high horse here if I can learn something I'm all for it its merely conversing. If one or both of us can learn something then its worth while. I will quite happily be schooled.
The part I have highlighted is not true. some recessive traits have hets that may drastically change the plants traits (codominant). Some codominant traits homozygous form may be detrimental but the codominant form may be very desirable. This is when breeding gets tricky and many phenotypes can...
If subcool knows what hes doing the variation may very well be because he has parent plants homozygous for many different genes.
In my books that is a good thing.
Someone posted in a thread on here that it was to early to start the flowering nutrients when you switch the lights and that you should start the flowering nutrients when the plant "stops" to flower. Not when the flowering light schedule is initiated.
I can't remember where I saw it though...
I have read mixed views on this.
Some switch to flowering nutrients as soon as they switch the hours of light and some leave it till 2-3 weeks after switching the lights to feed the initial stretch.
What are your views????
Tga says on the packet that their strains contain recessive genetics. If the seed are F1 crosses then you won't see any of the recessive genes till you breed them back to each other.
From what I've seen most breeders are selling F1 crosses.
They give you the genes and you have to do some work...