F2d agent orange put it to a Chernobyl f1 then f2d that line. Never seen a plant throw frost up the stem and out on the leaves to such an extreme. Got an alien cookie f3 that is a bit special but still doesn’t throw the frost that this cross does.
I f2d strawberry frost and got heaps of different phenotypes. There was one super low yeilder thin stalk that was frosty as hell but also threw nanners which was unfortunate. I think I ran 8 of them most were very different from each other.
So there are new laws about to come into place in Australia regarding medicinal marijuana.
My Father attended a meeting this afternoon where it was said that the plants grown for medicinal use must be under 1% THC. Are there even any high CBD strains that test anywhere near 1% THC? From what was...
sickmeds bizarre gives purple in high temps. I mean high temps too. Got a nice purple from purkle berry by cannaventure as well but took some searching and the temps were relatively low.
Even the most inbred line will have polygenic difference but it will usualy impact minimally on the finished product. Identify those traits and lock them in and the end product will be a win. :)
I have seen an amazing cut of alien cookies f2 by jaws turn to utter crap from poor husbandry but if you can identify the trait you want to keep and if it does pass on in a dominant or recessive fashion you can start to group them. You might have a plant throw ridiculous trichome coverage and...
if you're looking at a single recessive phenotype you will see one in every 4 seed in f2. if you have 2 recessive phenotypes you will see both produced in the same plant once in every 16 seed. if you are looking at 3 recessive phenotypes you will find all 3 expressed in an f2 once in every 74...
Depends who bred them. If you buy an IBL (in bred line) you should get a pretty good ratio on the phenotype advertised. if your buying an F1 cross it will depend on how well the parent stock were worked and how the preferred traits are passed to the offspring. A lot of people blab on about...
Try anything with double purple doja in it. I ran it in 40 degree celcius heat and still got purple heads. Gooeybreeder also has a purple strain that has dominant purple genetics.
Did the shark shock a few years ago. The f1s were crap, loose, average, but when I took it to f2 I got some fire. heavy chemical smells tight compact heads and some threw patchy purple through the buds. Nevilles haze was nice.
It was in the late 90s so quite a while ago now. I think it may have just been a random mutation thrown. It was very slow growing. I put it outside as it was so far behind the rest. I wish I had have cloned it because I have friends that still talk about it to this day