Bam! 82 grams... lets see ... it would last me ... maybe... 23 days or so... maybe less... probably less...LOL..
so now you need to do that x3 and then you got your 3 months worth... well about ya know..
3.5 in a day of a grower is no problem...LOL
well im telling you bro.. If you are able to get this product called ONA... make yourself a ona bucket system and i garantee all youll smell is laundry... bit overpowering.. but you just have to put more water and less ona....
It worked great for me int he cabinet... i also have carbon fliter...
Sweet man.. good to know.. I have high hopes for it cause im gonna have a loot of it...LOL... well minus the caterpillar shits... and the rot.. well see what i end up with...LOL..
IM so happy i have the hash bags though... NOthing is going to waste!
Hello All,
So we are having bad storms in my area and i wanted to show you guys what my poor plant looks like this morning... Not sure if you remember how tall this plant was before.. But .. well here is the pic...LOL
That is the last one to cut down... its a safari seed that i got for...
thanks bro.... Ill roll one up just so we can be smoking together across the ponds!... i havent smoked a j in a few days... blunts and bongs... but a j sounds... gooood.
Look, your not understanding .. and its ok..
if insulting me makes you feel better then right on... go pay a couple hundred dollars for your vet to jack off the dog...
Just for your.. i dont know.. small mind to get a story in the head.
I have a 4 pound chihuahua...
one day i came from...
no fun... he wanted advice mr west...
What you say? seeded whaaa?.. Im your homie mr west.. but id deck you right now if you were within joints reach.... LOL.. seeded weed... wtf is this the 60's n shit.
i guess another way of saying it... LOL
umm... happy 1st post you rude piece of trash.
your plants, TRASH now... i hope you hurt a cop.. just walk up to him and punch him... see how your life goes. Happy trails...
Sounds like fun... I love shit like that...LOL
to bad you didnt get that on the security cam or anything...LOL... would made a funny vid...
thanks for the pic page bump... bad ass!
id love to see those hips move... What about a movie man..
those that know salute you!
U got us in love over here man!