awesome harvest post/pics.. Bad ass bro!
as far as the trim ... ive heard both ways.. I just put them in papaer bags and in the freezer... fresh or dry .. dont really matter to me. God luck with the hash...
well then have you taken any clones yet?... good time to do it... dont worry too much about the transplant usually settles pretty quick and yours dont seem to be hurtin.
i like those bendy things you guys time how about you bend it out. it opens the plant and the lower sections grow in the middle.
i think you can do a bit more supercropping if you wanted... you would like how uniform the canopy gets and more bud sites being up top would be better...
hey sorry to hear about the weather n the country.... But what is so wrong again?... rain?... is it cold? hot?... think greenhouse man. think platic covering at least. search pvc hoop house... those seem nice n cheap
Well if i can put my $.02,
I dont like the fact that it is more expensive than illegal. I can get 1/2 ounce of really bad ass stinky, sticky shit for 150$... thats at least 180 at the club and closer to 200 in most clubs. And usually it aint sticky either. (how do they make it sticky liek...
OMG... Not me man.. bubbler.. vaporizer.. blunts.. chillums.. its all gets used these days... 1/8 last me 5 hrs...LOL and then i sleep.... get up and do it all over again... LOL
you dont want the laws to change? why would you go to jail for breaking open his skull... air doesnt mix well with brain.... and well rivers are good spots for bodies. you want to keep marijuana illegal?
hehehe... thats just comedy.... "Lets keep putting humans in cells to make money from them...
I hate your kind.. your a retard. Go try and be funny somewhere else dumb ass. were trying to kill the thread and you come on here like a dumb ass wanting to bump it... I bet your the one that throws the rock at the glass house when people ask you not too... Idiot.
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