maybe bitters would work, I don't think they will effect the plant adversely, its something to look into and cost effective.. also used to train dogs ask Concord Dawn
hahaha i wish it were only that easy, I do like to combine San Pedro & Blue Lotus, i am just unaware how to order (a bit weary to) wish this fun enjoyable stuff was all legal I know the san pedro is available but the peruvian tourch seems a bit harder to acquire
I am quite interested in this now, as i love Psychedelics, i can rarely get my hands on them.. looking to start growing my own mushrooms other then that some peyote would be really nice
the gnats are attracted to the smell of vinegar so cover it with plastic wrap and poke holes so they can enter but not escape, you want them with wings so they can get themselves trapped.. not quite certain in regards to the garlic but good luck and happy growing