• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

n,n-dmt impurities cause nausea/bad trips...A MUST READ


Well-Known Member
so as most of you know about my batch of dmt I've obtained that i brought up in my thread....
1 gram of n,n-dmt

just last night I had what I thought couldn't be possible under the influence of dmt...
I had a bad trip.

every single time I have smoked dmt, it has been VERY euphoric and pleasant. Ever done nitrous? similar euphoria effect for sure but dmt is A LOT more familiar.
like something I have felt before, maybe on a normal basis but my conscious knew it but could barley remember. just like waking up from a dream and trying to remember what happened.

but anyways.
last night I was lazy and felt there was still some dmt loaded into my free base, oil burner.
i grab the torch lighter and light it up.
I notice no smoke filling the chamber so i move the flame around different parts of the burner so I could get all the left overs.
I mainly heated the top of the burner (which contained a moist, condensation, water dropplet looking substance stuck to the top of the burn, on the inside)
I believe these to be IMPURITIES after my experience I'm about to describe...

I take one toke, the smoke feels a lot more harsh and toxic tasting then usual. this was the first sign that this was wrong. and when I blew out my hit, I could see smoke. I never exhale visible smoke when I normally smoke dmt. this was the second sign.
you know the first feeling you get when you exhale your first hit of dmt. It was similar but a lot more heavy. very un easy. I thought maybe I just need another hit. this was before I wish I wouldn't have done this. I have always taken 2 rips at least when I blast off.
so I hit it again for the second time.

I never broke through in this experience. I never have broken through but I have seen the tunnel and bridge that leads to the gateway into hyperspace. just a matter of time til Ill have a report...

this is where I wish I hadn't done taken that rip....or even the first.
this feeling was as if it was a bad saliva trip but more nauseous.
i felt like I was about to puke. My head felt like a frisbee, but in a bad way.
I always have a good sense of time on dmt, due to not breaking through yet.
but this time the 5-10 minutes trance turned out to be a life time experience.
NOT what I want or anyone wants on the most intense substance known to man when seeing its negative effects.

anyone ever had a bad trip on mushrooms or LSD?
just like that but this time this 10 minutes in reality was FOREVER it seemed.

"I wish I had never of taken this, I want this to stop. NOW! why do I feel sick? Im gunna throw up...no im not. Why am I sweating?....think happy thoughts....I cant.....I feel horrible. There are things observing me as if I was an unconscious, injured man, going into surgery with surgeons above me. They seemed to be concerned, like I wasn't going to make it. but I'm on dmt....right? yes i am! but why am I having this experience? every time its been pure good. no bad thoughts. pure bliss and euphoria. utopias of magnificent magnitude.
I tried to bring my mind to remember what a good thought was.
I was sweating, I was hot. I wanted to run to the bathroom and throw up but my body couldn't move or didn't want to. but my mind did."

once I finally got back to my normal self. I could tell if my eyes were open or closed. when my eyes were open it felt like I was LOADED on LSD and mushrooms. my vision was still engulfed with visuals. best way I can describe these visuals as small green matrix letters/colors/light falling and swirling together. making shapes and forms. but these visuals went across my field of vision just like a screen or filter.
all I could think about is that I am never smoking dmt again.
I was thinking about all the bad things i've done recently and the trip made me believe that this trip was to make me realize what I am doing.
it was as if the God of dmt arranged this trip to mind fuck me and drive me almost NUTS to realize what I was doing was wrong. and it wouldnt stop the bad trip until I finally realized. just like a punishment.

this is the last thing I can remember before I just instantly crashed and fell asleep.
I awoke this morning. My sober self. ahhhh what a relief!
was happened last night?
was that a dream or did that happen?
do I seriously feel drawn away from dmt now? my sober self is now scared.

I was at my buddies apartment, on his couch. I was by myself during this whole experience. Everything felt "too familiar".
I wanted to leave. so I did. I came home, took a shower, smoked a bowl of some AMBER afghan goo buds. relaxed, got on the oll RIU. and did some dmt research....

always reading other brother's trip reports of smoked dmt experiences always intrigued me so I thought this would help guide me back to wanting to use dmt again.
at this time I didn't think about the impurities and how I smoked the dmt after reading a post in one of these threads.
more and more I did research the more and more I got excited and wanted to smoke dmt again.

I call up my buddy that helped me obtain this dmt a week or so ago...
I get to his house, one of my good homies was chilling with him.
we smoke a bowl and he asks me if I'd like a blast off. while me noticing his breath REEKS of moth balls and dmt.
I said, of course! with a comforting smile, knowing my true friend and brother wouldn't show me a shitty time.

we go outside, smoke another bowl and right after we finish. my buddies said "alright buddy, we will leave you be. meet back up in my room when you are done. tell us what you experience when you come back. fare well brother"

they leave me in his back yard.
I grab my pipe loaded with about 65 mgs that was loaded by my friend.
I notice its a regular, glass pipe used to bud smoking.
I thought this wouldn't work as well as vaporizing in an oil burner.
I have never smoked dmt like this. I thought it may kill or burn most of the substance....
I hold the pipe up to my lips.
hope this time is a good one, not like last night.
I take a rip.......


Well-Known Member
I shall continue this trip report when I finish off the last details
(after all, this trip was literally only 2 hours ago)
i still need time to regain what happened. ;)


Well-Known Member
okay... I think I got this.

here is the trip report from this mornings trip continuing on...:mrgreen:

Setting: my buddies back yard who helped my obtain this dmt.
he is a true brother.
I was wearing my favorite, comfy blue and white drug rug. and very lose/comfy clothes. It was about 55 degrees out and it just snowed the other day so there was a fresh blanket of snow throughout his backyard. There were no clouds in the sky. You could only see the best of blue. The birds were chirping. The snow was melting. It was simply the best atmosphere and setting I have ever smoked dmt at...

...I hit the glass spoon loaded with I thought to be 65 mgs.
I didn't expect anything to happen because I wasn't smoking it out of a free base, oil burner with a torch lighter. I was smoking it like a regular bowl of weed but I didn't torch the dmt. I held the lighter as far away as I could.
I began to inhale. I kept drawing in until I felt a harshness.

I exhale... I wait for the first effects that I normally feel, which is: the rush or pressure in your head. I theorize that this is the dmt hitting your brain.
(normally when I smoke dmt, after this pressure I get that giant euphoria, like huffing and holding in a whip it (no2).)

this time I never felt pressure in my head. nor lightheaded or heaviness.
so I thought that rip didn't do anything. so I took another toke.

this time after I exhaled, I did feel a slight pressure but only slight.
I thought STILL in my head that "smoking dmt this way is a waist!"
but right after I thought this. I look at a fresh, new blanket of snow.
glittering with sunlight. all of a sudden, super complex lattice designs wove throughout. It was beautiful. I have seen this before on moderate doses of LSD.
I could also describe the pattern to be an infinite, inter locked bandanna pattern.

[note: I always close my eyes on dmt, due to being inside in a dull, light room]

this time I had my eyes open.
this time was a different experience...
probably the best experience I have had yet on dmt. but I wasn't an out of body experience.
I never left where i was.
I knew where I was, in normal reality. my homies back yard.
but I wasn't used to seeing nature and its fullest beauty on dmt.
I've never smoked dmt outside. only inside at my buddies apartment. which is why I was always behind closed eyes.

even though I was still there, I couldn't comprehend what was happening.
as in my thoughts.
I literally felt like i was on 200-300 micrograms of quality LSD.
The setting is what got me.
the warmness of the sun. the bright blue sky. the birds chirping....ahhhhh!
it was the best!
all I could do was take in the moment.
I forgot I was on dmt.
all I could do was think about how amazing this was and how glad I was to be back and realized that fresh dmt is what is the pure good.

[I will talk about after what people should and shouldn't do when smoking dmt and own a dmt pipe...]

after I regained my thoughts and remembered I was on DMT, I kept looking around at the beautiful visuals I was having. (they stayed the same from the beginning to end).
I believe I was outside only for 10 minutes but it seemed to go on for about what I believed to be 45 minutes. but there were some points on non-existence.
I happen to love these moments, I always get them on mushrooms.

after all that the visuals slowly faded and I grabbed the pipe, with about 1/3 of the dmt loaded previous before.
I couldnt believe I only smoked that much.
and out of a glass spoon too with a bic lighter.

after this experience, the after glow made me so happy.
I wasn't afraid anymore.
I was excited for future dmt trips.
I want to breakthrough now.
itll be awesome


Well-Known Member
if you smoke dmt out of a free base, oil burner or free base pipe...


if you don't, you will be more exposed to IMPURITIES.
a bad trip and/or nausea is more likely to occur if dmt is kept being loaded, smoked... loaded, smoked... loaded, smoked...etc
in the same burner or pipe, over and over again.


the way you can tell the difference between dmt resin and it's impurities in a clear, glass oil burner is...

dmt resin look like snowflake crystals, that look like they crawl across the glass.
if you find orange or milk white splotches (depending on quality), this is un-smoked dmt. it may have gotten pushed up the side of the glass.
I still recommend that you clean that dmt out anyways.


impurities look like little water droplets or condensation on the inside of the bulb.
it is located on the upper portion of the glass bulb or bowl.

I feel no one should have a bad dmt experience.
I feel everyone SHOULD have a dmt experience.
and to see it in the best way possible.
everyone should be educated about dmt and its impurities.
the good and bad.
but everyone should experience the good.


what do you all think?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Haha, so you were given the test, be ready for things to get interesting, you seem to have passed.
PS... stop smokeing dity spice, piss should be yellow, not dmt.
Thanks for the reports. I felt you were quite eloquent. Not something often seen when reporting on such matters.

I've read someone's theories over at the Nexus that there are at least two active alkaloids that you get from the standard extraction of DMT. They talk about how the second, "left over" portion, is a lot more powerful. Maybe there's some validity to this hypothesis?

Michael Sparks

Active Member
I am quite interested in this now, as i love Psychedelics, i can rarely get my hands on them.. looking to start growing my own mushrooms other then that some peyote would be really nice

Michael Sparks

Active Member
hahaha i wish it were only that easy, I do like to combine San Pedro & Blue Lotus, i am just unaware how to order (a bit weary to) wish this fun enjoyable stuff was all legal I know the san pedro is available but the peruvian tourch seems a bit harder to acquire


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with san pedro. A nice forearm sized log will put you in limbo land.


Well-Known Member
Haha, so you were given the test, be ready for things to get interesting, you seem to have passed.
PS... stop smokeing dity spice, piss should be yellow, not dmt.
yes, I realize after yesterday.
I was too lazy to get up and loaded some fresh dmt.

I definitely know what to do from now on.


Well-Known Member
Haha, so you were given the test, be ready for things to get interesting, you seem to have passed.
this got me excited.

I watched DMT: The Spirit Molecule last night....
that also got me very excited.

always get back on the horse immidiatly when you fall off.
Thank you for this. Really.

I'm wondering if this has been the reason for my procrastination with Sally. I doubt it, though, as I haven't had a bad experience yet (operative word).