My plants don't droop during lights out... Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Random leaf curl like that can be caused by a toxicity of nitrogen, it certainly is not
a lack of N. Possibly your fox farm OF plus nutes might be Nitrogen heavy.
Also your pH is very low. 6.5-7.0 is money in...
Hey guys, just checkin in. Been very busy lately. My building inspector rolled by today, we're scheduled for Tuesday the 1st so I'm lookin forward to that. Other than that theres been really solid growth happening on Cycle 1. The Glass Slippers have really been impressing me. She's a winner...
We have quantum 600's. No 1k's.
All of our 1k's unfortunately are magnetic. Sometime over the next year we'll be transitioning to digital.
My mentor uses the IGS. It doesn't utilize Fuzzy Logic technology from what I can tell. Not quite as efficient.
Got some updates and a correction.
Grabbed the Blue Lab Gaurdian meter
My CAP Fuzzy Logic wouldn't calibrate correctly. It was staying at 800ppm, so i traded it out for another.
That one wouldnt calibrate either. Stayed at 50ppm. I stand corrected, maybe if they would calibrate they
I'm a Mac. We use MJFreeway for our POS system. It tracks inventory and plant count, as well as
I have a laboratory notebook for actual note taking. I like pen and paper.
Tons of work last night. The place is really coming together. Also, I grabbed an iPad
yesterday and it is going to be my warehouse companion. All my notes and info will
stored using this bad boy. I didn't think I would like it as much as I do!
1. The PPM-2a is designed unlike most other co2 meters in that, it controls both generators
and tanks. It is able to keep CO2 ppm within 25ppm of the desired setting by use of its
"Fuzzy Logic" tech. Instead of blasting CO2 until the meter reads the desired setting it begins
putting on the...
Keep in mind, I take 144 clones at a time, and fill up my cloning trays completely in order to keep my
humidity at a maximum.
Take cuttings with a sharp blade to reduce injury to the parent plant. I have a titanium nitride scalpel.
Dip the cutting tool in rubbing alcohol or a...
In my history of cloning, roughly 80-90%. I have used a knock-off aero cloner, the white botanicare.
Worked decent.
I really just like cloning straight in to coco.
As of lately i have been receiving clones from Jesus' nursery. He has quite
the list of genetics. I'll haven my own breeding...
Thank you viv. Hows that 2400 Watt room comin? You get that last one turned on yet?
Clones in their last night of being in the dome.
Grabbed the C.A.P. Fuzzy Logic PPM-2A The most advanced on the market.
Ha, yea. It's all delivery, there's a gauge and I simply call when it is below a quarter.
No way I'm movin a 440 pounder
Ask away. But I have literally had to talk about my light spacing and "defend" it around 10 times.
I don't mind questions.
Ya bro. Huge.
Appreciate the compliment. And Al b is reputable.
As for this quote?
It is possible to keep lights at a distance where there are no little-to-no signs of heat stress yet lose yield. Take for example my previous grows within my grow hut utilizing two 600Watts. I had this happen to me.
CSD's are always a little slow on the frost, but they turn white with all the trichs if you'll notice from
previous experience.
Thanks man, what a compliment.
The federal law here still prohibits what I am doing and could easily prosecute me.
Maybe one day the gov will lighten up...