Today is week 8 day 6, the Ogres and Slippers, coming down tomorrow is a full 8 weeks. If the CSDs are indeed ready next sunday, that will be Week 9 day 7 so a full 9 weeks to finish for me. Only the trichomes can tell me for sure next friday/saturday.
Looks like the Ogres and Slippers will be coming down Sunday, looked at the trichome glands
and viewed a 75% milky with very few clear and very few amber.... My kind of medicine. I'll
give the Chem Sour Diesels another week.
Have you not had problems with your clear water reservoirs? It doesn't induce algae growth?
Also appears to have some heat stress in the last pics you posted.
Nice setups though, good DIY room.
Have fun bro.
I'm looking at some Pressure Compensating Drip Emitters currently. I would be most comfortable
with a 1/2 gallon per hour drip emitter so I can easily divide it up over the day.. The plan is to have my drip
system on during the lights on cycle, spraying the plants for 5 minutes every hour...
Nug shots and a finished reservoir with my working distribution system.
All custom built. So sick it should have a patent.
Chemdawg Sour Diesel
Glass Slipper
Reverse Osmosis is all fitted and filling up the 300gal for the next 30 hours.
Waste water from the RO.
All finished...
Thanks for the words icky.
My mentor is a serious sterility freak when it comes to his grow operation.
It's safe to say his facility is cleaner than most hospitals.. He has started a company
called SEA Certified and I have been assisting him and hope to eventually become a
partner with him...
Ha, what up Lumi, yea bro, if I had a nickle for everytime somone told me my lights
are too far from my plants, not only would I have a shit load of nickles, but I would still
have a ton of weed every harvest..
You were smokin on the Chem Sour Diesel when you were visiting, voted as the Bud of...
Thanks man. Won't need any water cooling. It's not recirculatory or anything and the water coming out of my
RO filter is between 50F-55F. So I need to warm it up actually, which is why I grabbed the 1000W heater, should
be the proper size to heat 300 gallons to 67.5F efficiently.
You know...
What a day what a day. Constructed the reservoir stand / cabinet. As well as a a shelf next to the sink area.
I actually have a work area to keep for myself. Very organized I must say.
The real sketch before the build. Keep in mind this thing is holding almost 3000lbs on top of it.
Rough design of the cabinet with the reservoir above it. Plumbing plan is not shown.
Cabinet will be 8 feet long and about 48 inches high, and will be supported like a floor.