i def tried to search only so much info on the shit is online so i was seeing if anyone had personal experience with the shit.... u guys seriously think i didnt try a search engine first before make a thread about it on a weed forum site? lmao!!!!!
does any one remember that family guy episode where they were gettin high licking toads well i just was lookin some shit up and dimethyltryptamine is found in the venom and skin of bufo alvarvius or the colorado river toad or sonoran dessert toad
OK DMT OR ALSO KNOWN AS dimethyltryptamine is a drug made from extracts from a wdie variety of plants and chemicals and alot of ppl been using it for years on weed and it makes u trip for an hour or two so i kno some one who got caught with a gram of it which runs about 100-200 a gram does it is...
yo bro shes gettin there shes about 8 days from sprout im gonna wait till friday to put up more pics i just took a look at yours lookin good man keep me posted on ur s