Lucky you. My old lady give zero fucks. She would rather bitch about things all day. Or make plans for us to do something and while we wait on that something to come around bitch because it hasn't happened yet. She bitches a lot. A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT
I seriously think I'm your biggest fanboy. I feel lame. I'm slightly depressed that you aren't the "scrog" guy anymore... What did you do with your tents? I'll seriously buy them if you want to get rid of one. or 2... That's awesome you're taking care of patients. You should PM me on how...
Before I checked back here I found your journal. You're an advocate for A51 amirite?! SO far I've heard A51, Lush Lighting, and CLW are 3 strong brands. a51 being the "cheapest".... My real issue isn't light. It's keeping things cool I have a 600 in a 3x3 space I just KNOW it's gonna be...
So I'm considering an LED due to heat/stealth issues. I've got a 3x3 flowering tent. What are my BEST options as of right now.... Budget is w/e. I'm really trying to figure out what my best wattage would be for my space. There is some real wonky stuff out there. Someone said that for my...
HA you've really taken a liking to the MLing AND I see you've abandoned your tents! If you got extra I'll gladly take one off your hands! Long time, no... multitude of questions coming from me lol.
I'm just dumb! Been a while! How's it hanging? Oriah!! How have you been my friend?! I love you too greensanta thanks for the ups. Anyone know anyone that grows with LEDs?
So 2 things. 1: These things suck to harvest. 2: I accidentally ripped up a fair portion (Just a plug directly under where she was) of the coir/verm will it still produce?
How often and how much should I be misting? Should I do it strait down on them? Should I shower it across the top and let it fall to them? Every day? My coir is turning light brown (looks dried out) when I spray it it doesn't absorb the water it sits on top for a while then I assume...
Nah, just SB didn't see the ?p before I posted. Either way... That is a very "spacebomby" looking plant, which very well could be it's mom/dad giving it that. I by no means concern myself with plant genealogy..
Mine did the same thing man. They turn out to be quite the hash plant. It's really branch and you can fan it all day you're not going to get those stems to be strong. I gave calmag too... It would DOMINATE a scrog. It's just a test in suspension and balance to get this thing from strait...