Stay away from cheap whiskey.... It tastes like the whole factory (in mexico) stood around the barrels and spit their dip spit in them. It makes me wanna vomit just smelling it. BUT it makes me warm.
Tell me. I'm sure it makes some a bit disgruntled. <spelled that shit right on the first try?!?! The world must be ending. So if a meteor was going to hit the earth would you watch it come in?! I would.
Edit: LOL I have a typo in the header....
I'm listening to Alicia Keys - If I aint...
Bend over and I'll show ya whats a dickfor! LUL IDK he just rubbed me the wrong way. But from what I'm seeing is that he hasn't others so I'll just leave it at that. He does great work and is an excellent grower.
I find myself asking questions just to affirm the idea I have in my own head. On the shoulders of giants, I suppose. The more I read this the less I think it applies to the situation but in a way it still does. Part of my internet bullshit filter is to bounce things off of minds that I...