i imagine the roots are getting pruned by the light when they hit the edge of the mesh pot. I suggest putting a lid on the whole thing to keep light out and letting the roots grow outside of the pots. I only thing is you cant move them after they grow together, not sure if you run them all the...
I also dont feed the babies until a good root mass is starting to develop, babies burn up easy from to much nutes. Even in full veg mode i only run them at ~250ppm. You can adjust ppm according to what the ppm are after they have drank up some water. If the ppm is higher than it started then...
to change my res water, which i rarely do i use a fish tank siphon, if you decide to install that do it on something not so important first and test it out.
hmm I just got some 3/4" grommets, wonder what size I need??? Will repost the answer when I figure it out.
Edit: Sure appears to be real close to 1 inch using a tape measure.
i was using an aero20 machine 5on 5off. I didnt like it cuz once they plant get so big you can really move them unless u went in the room everyday and picked them up to keep roots from growing together. I even cloned in it before, it works good and grows good too. One other thing i noticed is...
Hey nice lil setup! ya i agree if u like it now wait till you get some in full flower mode your gonna fall head over heels. Just make sure you do not cut it too soon.
i vent my 1000w HPS and the room with 8 inch inline fans, i also read a lot while making my room but really jus getting it squared away. its been almost 1yr already, def a learning curve involved.
The water needs to come up to the bottom of the roots, if using rockwool take care not to keep it too wet. The thing about using different mediums is they each have their own PH and effect the water. I use hydron clay pellets and it works great for me. There are a ton of different NPK combo...
personally i would not use any metal part that comes in contact with the water anywhere on the system. And for sprayers i would suggest ez cloner 360 sprayers or precise holes drilled in the tube that spray the side making a mist. The mist works great. Anyways nice plans I think your on to...
i got a iolite and think it works pretty good as long as chamber is not packed to tightly, will choke me. fwiw never had any other vape devices to compare it to.