Something i do when i get stoned is try to look at different things from a different perspective. the other day i was looking at my hands from a 'nothing' perspective and it was fucking weird just thinking how weird humans in general are.
then i was thinking how everything in the...
When i hear peopple say 'teabaggers' it makes me think that they really cant discredit them any other way. if the tea party movement is wrong then say what there wrong about it, dont call them names. Name Calling generally indicates to me that theres no other way to discredit them. it make you...
what do you think would happen if we all tried to figure out how to legalize weed? instead of trying to figure out which came first the chicken or the egg. i mean our collective mind power has got to be worth somethin right?
911 opinions are kind of like religions, they cannot all be right. whether or not truthers are right i have no idea, but they do make good points and back up their claims. and seeing all this evidence i can say that the 'offical story' is bs.. still we will prolly never know the real truth so...
Well who are we to hang out with?
from my perspective alex jones is more honest and accurate than the mainstream, but he does take things to far sometimes.
I dont know about yall but i have a problem with the mainstream news. last year i was really into fox news but then i started listening to Alex jones and others.
The other day i turned on fox and i could see the spin they put on things.
as a constitutionalist and a true conservative i was...
i don't think you can really get in trouble if someone sends you some seeds. all you would have to say is "i didn't want anyone to send me seeds. go bother the sender."
This is very simple.
Allow anyone in America to practice medicine, in other words make it so nobody needs a license to practice medicine. that way the good "doctors" or healers will succeed and the rest of the medical industry will do things the way these good healers, which will lead to lower...