The video i posted was a perfect example of satire. YOU WILL LAUGH IF YOU WATCH IT.
Its the darnedest thing. Today i have boon watching john harris's videos and trying to figure out how to do that in the US..
the biggest thing that i take from john harris is that what it all boils down to is...
you are the ignorant one. how is it possible that in a fire that was hot enough to melt steel and all hijackers id's were recovered and 100% readable. and one of the alleged hijackers was alive and well years after the attack. you need to do your fucking research bud. the probability of...
it could be:
lights to close
to hot
to cold
bad air
bad soil
your using nutes to early (should wait 2 weeks)
or it could just be a mutant seed.
i would give it some hydrogen peroxide. it will kill any bacteria in the soil and it will give the soil some oxygen (look this up, totally safe)...
ok i agree with everything you just said.
I would like for you to have an informed opinion about 9-11 and the war(s), not to just deny our govt was involved cos you are a member of the USMC. and what i mean about that is i think you should really look into everything about 9-11 and then make...
we should do what the king said judge people by the content of their character and not the color of their shin. that should apply to all people. people think this doesn't apply to them cos their not white. wake up america this means EVERYONE should do this. the NAACP and affirmative action...
Hemlock i thank you for your service.
I am not trying to attack you, but maybe you can help me understand this?
Is it true that when one goes into the military one of the first things they do is break you mentally and build you up they way they want to an extent? that is mind controll and i...