I'm still a little lost. Is it possible to give steps of how you germinate your seeds and prepare the seed to be put in the hydro system? I kinda get your routine but it's a little fuzzy just because of the different equipment we are using. If I see your routine broken down in steps I can...
I'm just tripping out on the number 5.8. Around 6 quarts of water. So I got to put enough Ph down to get the tested vial water to have a yellowish/greenish tone. Ok typing what I need to do here in case I forget I have a reference. 100$ Pure OG Kush hanging on my lips. Also, does Ph level...
Here's a good video of the game in beta mode (360) and hopefully soon I'll find a way to Record my in game footage to upload; anyone know of a good program?
http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?desktop_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fw atch%3Fv%3DXgFcJ38-IOc&v=XgFcJ38-IOc&gl=US
I know this is going to sound like an amateur question but I wanted to make sure that I got the point across that I am an amateur and not a troll trying to pretend like I know my growing: why is 6.5 ph too high for hydro?
Also, I am using Sunlight Solutions Ph Up/Down. I used around a little...
Cool review. Helpful. That yield looks dope! 2.5 oz for a 3ft plant...not bad :D that would be enough for a while until the next harvest is done im thinking! How high were you able leave the ppm?
Actually, locally. A Dispensary that does deliveries only. Pretty sweet deal. www.emeraldbliss.org - And White Fire OG seems to be an underground strain...sweeeeeeeet
I know I posted this in the other channel, but I think it will make a better home in this channel, sorry for the inconvenience.
Smelled like a creamy creamster smell.
Fluffy as fluffy can be.
This has the Mike Tyson effect: two tokes and 10 mins im taking a nap; k.o.
I havnt...
Smelled like a creamy creamster smell.
Fluffy as fluffy can be.
This has the Mike Tyson effect: two tokes and 10 mins im taking a nap; k.o.
I havnt been this high since I first started smoking.
So strong that today I dont even feel like smoking.
anyone try White Fire...
I meant higher than 8.5 because the color it was giving off wasnt even on the bottle. Yikes, I know! But with your help and others, Ive been able to quickly regulate the water levels while keeping the ph at 6.5 and the ppm at around 100. Do you have a digital ppm reader?
I'd rather fix any issues with my Mom than smoke _ thats just me, I hate smoking when there's unresolved energy. But, if the guy doesn't want to see them on Xmas, so be it, that's the same as him inviting over his family but they can't make it because they have plans already. I just wish...
Lol no worries cause when I was reading it I was completely stoned myself @joint
Two days have passed since I changed my reservoir and only about 1/4 cup of water evaporated and my ph levels jumped through the roof. I just added ph down to the water. Any tips on keeping the ph relatively low...