isn't it great how so many things are discovered by accident. I once did the same thing while transplanting, snapped my top. I prefer to LST as opposed to top.
It's Friday July 30 Here's an update on "Lucy". Day 8 of Flowering. This pic was taken inside the closet growspace, which i only use to control flowering. It's strung with cfls as a backup to the beautiful sun here in bc.
And a view of the canopy, the plant is about 2 foot by 4 foot and...
To hippy-flip is to mix mushrooms with acid; candy-flip is to mix ecstasy with acid.
Just like we've been told that "this tab has got heroin".. we've heard "this tab has got acid".. neither are true.
On another note, be careful when mixing drugs there are reasons why people say it is very...
one could argue that the average of penetrative light from 2 250 is superior to that of 1 600. personally i would go for the 2 250 for the ability to configure varying light setups.
yo how's it goin, still got the show? I have a closet strung with many cfls on a flowering timer, however i move my plant out under the sun every day as ive got enough privacy. I love cfls though!
One too many branches, a shoot short, and just the placement of everything is whacked out. The shoot doesn't come out from between a branch and the stem?? and i'm tugging on a branch that is right next to another.
word, hittin up another update, such rapid growth with dwc!
I've noticed a mutation in one of my plants. Take a good look and tell me what you see. I'm pulling on a branch. There are 3 branches and one shoot comming off the stem while the top continues upwards. See what I mean? Also the...
also, there's no way you could drown the plant unless your soil composition was inadequate. if it does not drain properly then your mix is not good enough.
i've mentioned it before in other threads, supercropping is when you pinch in one direction then the opposite and knock the stem over. doing this without completely tearing the outer layer of the stem, a huge knuckle will grow and the plant will be stuck horizontal, and it's shoots will turn...
when you snap a plant, it's critical that the outside layer of the stem remain intact at least in some point as this is where the most important flow happens. i've heard of people using paper towel, toilet paper etc to bandage it but you do not want to compress it mind you i've heard of tape...