I was otherwuse occupied with someone elses woman , long story :D ,it absorbed a lot of time along with the hardest months work iv ever done. i kept meaning to post but eventually it fell to the wayside but my chopping curing and harvesting is going to be detailed :D
Hey RIU !
Sorry iv kinda abandoned my thread and posting here in general iv got be honest its been a crazy 3 weeks in my life :bigjoint:
Literally between women,work and weed (which seems to be rare these days, i actually went without for about 3 weeks). My time has been horribly consumed...
Well Ive gotta say ladies and gents that i think everything is going extremely well So Far as we hit week one since i first wet the seeds :D pretty good progress in my opinion these plants are little monsters already. And YES roots are now escaping the bottow of their peat cups already...
Theyre Not even little anymore theyre on a permanent growth spurt :D u'll be amazed by the pics i post after wrk. Right now i have to try and look like i wasnt out til 3am getting hammered and go to work :bigjoint: and as always thanks for stoppin by
Looking great Bigman :D this is going to be one fun thread down the line when everyones plants are getting fat and yummy looking, lol i was going to ask sum1 to post me beans across the pond so we could make this a several growers of 2 nations grow :bigjoint:
If not this time round i wanna...
No i've been "borrowing" various family members phones i think the cameras actually broken but i saw one in the shop the other day that i will be purchasing and it even has a rechargable battery like a camera made in this century,which is what i need really :bigjoint:
As always thanks for...
Yours are too my good man :weed: I have been watching :D my life doesent allow me online at the moment for more than a brief read and the odd post or 2. I'm actually taking a sick day today he heh eh and i HAVE been taking my medicine :bigjoint:
Hooray it is now day 2 since i first noticed baby cotyledon starting to show :D (which is what i consider Day 1 of a plants life, when photosynthesis begins properly )
What i notice from the get go is that these babies are going to be fast, they were practically born with their first set of...
If i could pipe up for a minute , i know i'm not as experienced as some but i did this and it was great :D
Try to Top AND Fim your plants i had some very very promising results when i topped and fimmed 1 of 3 cheese plants . In my last thread i managed 11 tops on one plant before i destroyed...
Hey man thanks for stopping by. it's stuff like this that i could never be aware of .
Odd that they dont like N in their early stages i thought any plant would require a kickstart. N plays a big part in clorophylls and cholorplasts which create energy for new growth in a plant. But i will be...
Thanks for dropping by guys :bigjoint:
I had to scrounge 3 pieces of wood and paint them white,so that was much easier than building a 3 ton cabinet :D
I got a lot of work done last night, installed my ventilation systems better than ever before. The best part of it is i have the fan unit...
Thanks guys , i am big on researching and getting opinions before messing up :D busy doing my first auto grow and that was one thing i just wasnt sure of :bigjoint: i am now !
If any of you would like to swing by my thread in case i ever need any pointers it would be much appreciated...
Hey thanks gonzo. I had a feeling topping on AF's was bad and you kinda confirm that feeling . Hopefully somebody will come along and confirm 100% :bigjoint:
Hey all, love the thread, lots of really useful AF info on here. I'm trying to get through it all but 400+ pages is quite a lot for one man :bigjoint:
I have recently srarted 4 x Russian Rocket Fuel and 1 Snowryder By Short Stuff seeds. I was wondering what the opinion on topping autoflowering...
We can Only hope my good man :D we can only hope .
Now heres the funny bit.... Turns out i've germed 5 seeds 2 different strains all of them had a baby tap root popping out of them at hour 37.
i have now moved them all into small peat cups and put them back in their warm ,dark cupboard. If...
Sweet ,thanks CBL :bigjoint:
Good to know i was worrying over nothing really :D i'll stick with the BioCANNA stuff its fermented plant extract absolutely swarming with all the goodies :weed:
HAHA u dont want to mate, i hadnt seen it til i was 11 i lived in South Africa most of my life its like the land of eternal flames heat and humidity.Was brilliant :D
Back to the growroom ....
I have been Doing my dry runs configuring my circulation and extraction fans to get the optimal...
I miss living in a tropical climate :( i love the heat and cold is my mortal enemy, it even stops me growing :(
u should never have trouble popping seeds, here in sunny england its pissing down the rain and feeling more wintery by the day and its august lol .
78.6 at the moment but temperatures DO fluctuate when somebody showers the temps rise to around 90 degrees but the heat is retained n the cupboards and slowly dispersed, so a low of 78 sometimes rising high and slowly falling over time i think is the best way of explaining it. I know a lot of...