I just had a funny thought , one day when weed is legal (and i have a feeling it will be) we will be able to mail people who have followed our threads with samples of the finished product. thats going to be awesome :bigjoint: . thanks for the rep rasta ! you would definately get a sample :bigjoint:
This lurkers here :D my problem is im often too high to actually say anything intelligent riddle , and as the saying goes "rather everyone think you're stupid and not say anything, than to open your mouth and prove it "
but as for you smkinmouse i grow autoflowers and iv been using some of...
Loving the work as always riddle :D you seem to have developed quite a following in the last few months !! and this thread is enourmous already, respect as always teacher :bigjoint: if you want to see the effect of making it rain on AF's have a look at my thread haha its ridiculous !
Ok, so my plants have done their maturing thing over the last week or so, i took some pictures after the lights went out so i could give everybody a good idea of the amount of crystals on these buds :weed:
Now im starting to think this might be my best grow ever :bigjoint: and the smell is...
I was thinkin of leaving them for up to 2 more weeks, i have realised these plants have a lot of potential, maybe they will be my best yet if i leave them for as long as possible :bigjoint:.
i wont be able to taste your buds, but i will be able to replicate them :D. and id rather be able to replicate them on a large scale instead of just being able to try them, so i suppose i still win :bigjoint: .
and medicinal or not, every grower should aspire for perfection. i think the...
This last few months for me knowing you riddle has been like cannabis university. i spent a few years learning online and reading and watching video's. but iv gotta say from making it rain to harvesting and curing i have to agree. i think you've cracked it and iv been sitting here with my...
Iv already got more bud than i expected, everything after this point is just bonus weed. but i have a feeling its going to be very very nice smoke because of its G13 attributes and fuel taste/aroma, i'v always liked the Diesel Hazes/G13 based strains . I'v also been reading through my thread and...
well oh my ... these plants are getting very fat and crystally. iv gotta be honest, i didnt think they had it in them but im starting to see now just how good af's are, especially the russian rocket fuel. I am starting to think i should get about an ounce per plant if they keep expanding like...
I sense a lot of enthusiasm in you, this is good :bigjoint: but i also see u like to buy new stuff all the time. just keep it simple , makes life easier
My thread with the big kolas is HERE
Gradually decreasing the moisture in the buds is the concept of normal curing too, its just normal curing (hanging ,drying, jarring ,hanging etc )is a more "rough" way sorta drying and redistributing moisture then drying again. i look forward to seeing some designs of your cabinet i like the...
Maybe i should give my 2c on the whole making it rain on auto's.
So far as i can tell they REALLY dont like it at first and some of my plants looked like they were going to die in the early stages but i kept pushing them and within a couple weeks they took to it, hence there current size which...
I expected no less of you Riddle :D those plants are superb, sorry i havent been around to worship your growing skills but im here til the end now. This is where i come to drool after an evening of forum browsing and posting :bigjoint:
I bet ur having one hell of a time ! :D
Bigman, if u look back on my threads u will see ALL i use for growth and bloom is BIO Vegas BIO Bloom and soon Bio Boost. they are amazing plant nutes buddy u literally cant go wrong with them , my biased opinion but start to finish they bring out the best in ur weeds :D
Hey thanks man !
and thanks everybody for following my little AF experiments :bigjoint:
i'm really looking forward to seeing the yield out of these 4 auto's as i have a feeling it will be similar to my BC grow. also iv mentioned before that i have my doubts to potency aswell with there genes...
Ok so yes yes iv grown them but i thought i'd just run through from the point where you last saw them as seedlings to now when theyre suddenly all growed up :bigjoint:
As soon as possible, around day 14 or so i gave them more legroom by offering them some bigger pots, they thanked me greatly...
Here my brothers, you're long awaited pictures have arrived!
Even i am amazed at the speed of growth i didnt expect to need to harvest til next week sometime but i feel the SnowRyder is ready right now. She smells delicious aswell and nearly all her pistils are brown. i see fat calyxes...
Haha iv been paid today and i might just go get one of them nice cameras with a rechargable battery after work :bigjoint:
lets be honest, i'm terrible with batteries ....