Damn man, not cool. What if you offered to make a mortgage payment or two? It would suck but you would lose a lot more if those plants got damaged. Just a suggestion you may have already thought of.
Yes it worked great, but I use azamax now with better results. I actually killed a root aphids infestation with the combo of azamaz and sucra shield. Don't be afraid to soak the entire medium for least 15 mins.
Damn, that is some scary shit. I hope you can hold them off for a few months man. Moving those palnts would be a crazy thing to try. Good vibes to you my friend.
LOL, isn't that an awesome thing. Even though I don't have as many to water as you, my wife woke me up with a cup of coffee and a smile. She watered for me this morning too. ;) Got to love a good woman.
As for the dispensary talk, I totally agree, most are becomming anything but compassionate...
Thank you for the comments. Before I get to the weigh-in and smoke report, I want to share couiple notes on my current flower room conditons. I just put up the screens last night and they are on day 2 of flower. The screens are just about full already, but there is still some room for training...
Damn Blaze, I just read throught this entire thread and I have been uing the FIM technique for a while. This thread is right on the money and completley explains the process. Thanks brotha for simplifying it for everyone. I have found that when used in conjunction with lsting or superropping...
the purple kush ( or not so pruple kush) is dry and transferred to jars to cure. The buds shrunk up from walnut to marble size and they aren't purple. Now for the good part. They smell amazing and I took a tiny little bud with me in a baggy in my car console earlier, I was getting back in the...