You should put a hole in the side of that box big enough for that little fan to fit into, then cut another in the other side and for an intake. If you don't have a filter for the intake, than you can use panty hose to filter the intake air. I would put the fan (exhaust) hole up high and the...
Thank you for the compliment bro, I really appreciate it. I use House and Garden Aqua Flakes per the H&G feeding chart. I have used the yellow bottle bloom phat and ooze in conjunction, but I highly recommend against the bloom in hydro. It makes a huge mess of sludge. The Bloom definatly is...
So you use two 1000 w hps plant? That is crazy, but sounds effective. I too do alot of baking. I have a back injury from a parachute accident in the military, so edibles work well for pain relief. We also make a topical cream with Comfry extract, trauma oil, cocao butter, coco butter, bees...
Thank bro, I wil post some update pics in the next day or two. I fed tonight some Maxsea bloom and yellow bottle bloom phat. The each got 6 gals of nutrient water. I also foliar treated with BT. The Chem Dog is still growing strong. The Mango, Blue Dream are budding and the Super Bud is...
Looking real good man. I have to chuckle at your indecision on what strain to go with. I have been contemplating that for 4 grows now. I can tell you the GC will pobably yeild more than the pk. The pk is not a big yeilder, but when you smoke it ( especially when you grew it), you will see...
I know right LOL I was browsing my subscribed threads and I opened that pic in it's own window to copy and paste, but then I pasted it in the wrong window. lol Friggin stoner right?
Still growing away man. I am running 9 plants per tray right now, so I am not really scroging, more using the screen to spread out the canopy and for support. I will probably drop back to 6 per tray next round so I can actually do some weaving again. 4 pds a table is nutz man! How long are...
Yea man, I did the same thing when I had the smaller reflectors and I ended up crowding the middle. You might look into light spreaders. I use them and they are in-expensive. They just spread out the footprint. If you are using 3x6 tray, it would have probably been better with the outside...
It looks good from here man. You got me wishing I hadn't taken mine down early. I didn't want to take any chance with the pm comming back so as soon as I saw some amber they came down. The quality did take step down from what I usually grow. You on the other hand Bro, have some quality lookin...
That CO2 is no joke man. I wish I had been using it all along. I can't imagine what you could do with some CO2 if you grew that avatar bud without any.
If it is the maxsea bloom I think it is 3-20-20 and the veg if I am remembering right is 16-16-16. I may be wrong, but that is what I recall. Oh and Lavenderstars, will you please, please takes some pics of TLD's magical garden? lol
That is some crazy Shit you got going on over there. In nor cal the clubs will give 8 or 9 per gram for the top shelf and sell it for 18- 20 to the patients. That's indoor ofcourse, still nuts that the clubs are the ones profiting and the grower and patient get the shaft. The clubs used to pay...
I would let them go another few days then flip. The pk doesn't stretch more than 50% and you want atleast half of that stretch to be upward. If your light footprint is wide enough, you may even move the outside pots out toward the sides another inch or two. If you flip now they will still...
Lookin dialed in wonder. Nice work man. Oh and by the way, that fucking mask freaked me out. I mean come on, some of us are high as hell here. I was looking at the pic for a sec and then was like damn, "what the f$%%k is that? lol