Naw, I'm not- doing a natural home birth and everything.. so.. it'll be a surprise.. leaning toward it being a boy tho, my gut was right last time. =) But we shall see.
Flo.. you're wasting your breath.. and if you want to be honest.. if Green is not concerned about gun confiscation and the like, the government most likely will not have him lined up for any camps.. those of us who love our life and liberty though- yes, we need to be on guard and concerned. God...
Last I had heard Obama reps had filed a motion to have the case dismissed because of 'lack of jurisdiction'.. and that they are waiting for the motion to be decided on before anything else is done..
I agree with you Brutal.. this is a lot of trouble to go through to ignore it.. when McCain was...
Great post Vi.. that's been in my bookmarks for months.. lol..
I agree.. there is no possible way we won't see massive inflation eventually from all this money creation..
Instead of studying astral projection, I suggest you look into remote viewing.. it's basically the same thing, yet remote viewing is proven.. I have a great book to recommend for you on this one, lol, I'd just lend it to ya if I could... "Remote Viewing Secrets: A Handbook" it's by Joseph...
Ah, great article.. there is a great small movement to spread awareness on this exact principle.. the website is - Return the House of Representatives to the People (Home Page)
I'd like to see those lobbyists try to payoff 30,000 reps! Someone wouldn't need a ton of money...
Works well for them though as well.. more and more people will be forced to turn to those government assistance programs.. dependency is what they need to continue the silent compliance..
You don't have to be a 'conspiracy theorist' to get prepared.. (which today seems to cover any opinion someone comes to from self research not supported by those that have done zero).. most of those that I know personally who are preparing are just country folk who goto church and live simply...
Ugh.. does anyone read or do research? This new stimulus they're talking about, the dem's have been working on it since before the bailout was even put together, and guess what? YOU AIN'T GETTING NO CHECK.. everything they are talking about is propping up welfare- securing unemployment and...
Fact. It is coming- I pray the rest of you are preparing.. so much have been going on this month, hard to keep track of it all..
I don't think they'll call it the Amero anymore- that name has been ousted.. from how The Powers That Be have been acting as of late, I wouldn't be surprised if they...
Funny you mention that.. the first know case of the Spanish flu actually came out of a U.S. military base.. draw your own conclusions..
All I know is that, I trust no one- including our government- and I will not be taking any "vaccines", whether offered freely or forced..
Anthrax "state of...
Bingo- the avian flu is a mutated super form of the Spanish flu.. but no- it would not kill a bunch of babies and elderly people, just as with the Spanish flu, the death is from the cytokine storms, which hits and kills those with the strongest immune systems. As in the Spanish flu pandemic...
I am not teaching anything, where have I ever claimed to do so? I do not hold any absolute truths, only you can decide for yourself what is true and what you believe- nothing else besides that matters. This happens to be some of my own personal truths I have come to from personal meditation and...
The box our mind lives in, is a creation of our own design.
The limitations we place on our own existence,
exist only because of the belief system that we uphold.
In fact it is the sheer belief
that make the walls of the box solid.
It is the sheer belief that holds us from our utmost...
Sure. Make sure to pm me the link to the other forum you post it in tho.. I'd love to see the responses- I've seen a lot of great interpretations of some of my stuff that I never even thought of or intended, things like this touch everyone different and that's the point- that way we can all...
Keep missing each other I suppose.. was around quite frequently bout a month ago- haven't been around for like two weeks, but yeah. :peace: lol. Hope all is well.
Where in his record do you find anything that he's even pro marijuana?
Every quote I've seen from him regarding medical marijuana just cited that it "was a poor use of resources to go after patients"... nothing else.. promises don't mean shit.
I highly suggest we all become truly informed...
I would never rule something like this out. Though the avian flu is something that worries me as well, every major health institution will tell you, it isn't a matter of IF an avian flu pandemic will hit, it's a matter of WHEN.. when you realize how much money is being spent to prepare for that...
That's awesome man... I myself went through a hard struggle with depression and bipolar in my mid-teen years, Dr.'s drugged me out of my mind- just made things worse.. Real truth and healing can be found from within, it's just a matter of clearing all the crap out of the way to find it.. :peace:
Wow.. haven't been here for a while.. came back and found this thread.. that was written by me btw after a long meditation session.. the original form is broken up a lot just looks very long that way, hence it wasn't reproduced here that way.. I can put it up here the way it was intended if...