Uh oh.. I insulted the MESSIAH.. ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK... lol.. I don't care to think for other people- he can look up my claims himself, as can you- though I can see you won't- Obama surely has said things to the effect that I stated. Sorry if you refuse to see it.
If those are your two important issues.. Obama would be a big NO for you I'd assume after you did research.. Obama is all for tighter gun control and is known to have said that he doesn't believe anyone should be able to own handguns.
As far as education, Obama is all for more government...
No one ever talks about Biden's record.. yeah... a whole lot of real change there..:roll:
The facts are facts.. the richest 5% of our country pay 53% of all collected taxes, the richest 10% pay 64% of all collected taxes, the richest 50% pay 96% of all taxes.. when the hell is enough enough...
There's still people who don't have this stuff at a minimum stored? lol.. silly sheeple.. Lamps also are a bare minimum.. a camping stove (plus the oven attachment), heater, and a stock of the propane tanks another bare minimum.. Water, filter, vitamins, med supplies..I could go on and on...
No, no song helped me come up with it.. I really don't listen to much music these days or follow culture..
LOL.. no NG.. if you check the opening post, this was written a while ago.. after a long intense meditation session.. the final section was the phrase I walked away with repeating over and...
Dead on man.. dead f*cking on.. cept. the Dem's are selling us out to the banks and corporations too! It's a fascist/socialism orgy everywhere you look.. and yes, the sheeple LOVE IT.. they love bathing in their ignorance. And when you try to point them into a direction of self discovery and...
I'd have to disagree with you. You see, I personally believe we are all already enlightened we just have so many walls built up, we do not realize our inherent perfection.
Babylon in the bible predictions is usually considered by most to be America.. lol.. I certainly could see how that could be so..
Being vain is nothing but an illusion..
Actually it's from the bible.. and you know, I am by no means Christian or anything, but there are some good lessons to be had in that book.. the 'whores of Babylon' degraded themselves, were completely into their own vanity, and basically lived in sin... lol... when I see these bleach blonde...
Exactly.. 'whores of Babylon' seems to define it to the core to me.. lol..
The fact that I came to was that if I 'needed' these things to make me 'feel better' or 'feel good' that must mean I don't 'feel good' in the first place.. The society conditioning unraveled from there for me.. most...
Shhh. I used to be so entrapped by my ego.. couldn't live without my hair dye and eyeliner.. lol.. :spew:
Never was happy.. though I thought I was.. :shock:
LOL.. nice..
It was really rough for me as well.. when I just picked up and moved it was the best way for me, whatever didn't fit in our car didn't come with us (dodge neon.. so def. not a big car, lol) anything that did come was pretty much a MUST HAVE.. I had gotten rid of a lot of stuff...
LOL.. my daughter was born the day after Mother's Day.. I missed it by 6 hours! LOL.. I was walking around all day Mother's Day, hoping it would help..
I may be wrong, I'll have to look it up again.. but I think that the rate was bumped up to 1 in 2 will have some type of cancer in their...
Great opening post NG.. I personally would have added simplifying life.. I got rid of everything I didn't need and stopped buying crap for periods of time of varying length- helped me immensely.. A purging period if you will..
Thanks for directing me to that Dfunk, thought it might have been for the anti-smoking vaccine, but no it was a different one protects from the bacteria that causes pneumonia.. just came out this morn I see, haven't see that yet in my news rounds yet, thanks again.... ugh.. they can get FUCKING...