i'm not really sure how to gauge how much outflow I get....I just let it run out until it slows a lot or stops...but yeah..i've been watering a gallon per plant mixed with mg nutes...so I think i'm going to water 1/5 of a gallon per plant and leave out the nutes for a while...
I"ll have to double check what exact MG soil I am using..it's the stuff at walmart that already contains plant food, but I forget what the exact name of it is...i'll have to check..
and I am definitely waiting for the siol to dry out before I water...about every 2 weeks...and it's a 1 gallon...
yeah...the basement is real damp so the soil stays wet for a long time...2 weeks is usually about when the soil gets dry...is there such a thing as over watering the plants?
and I just used MG cuz they sold it at walmart and a few people recommended it...and I didn't want to spend a...
yeah I should probably transplant them into bigger pots...I think I am going to really soon..
and is one gallon of water per plant a good amount? should I alter that at any point? and you'd be surprised..the soil isn't very dry after 2 weeks...
ok..i'll eliminate the nutes and see what happens..and good idea..I never thought see if the pot was heavy or light...I basically water them when the soil starts to dry out a little..i was told that dry soil allows the roots to move freely...
i'm using the 6500k bulbs from walmart....and I...
no hydro stores near me..I live in the middle of nowhere..and I can't afford to get crazy with this stuff...i'm on a real tight budget..i'm just doing this is a little hobby...
I have read the 1 gallon per foot formula before...I should get some 5 gallons and get on that...I was told never to...
i'm a first time grower...I started off with 2 of the cheap fluro lights from walmart and it wasn't working super great, so now I have 4 CFL 26w bulbs...one for each plant and it's working much better...
right now my 4 girls are almost 2 feet tall, and I have them each in one gallon...