man i was all ready to help ya fix the problem and do whatever i could after reading the first post, being i had the same thing happened to myself jus las week BUT after the third post your second i think you should go to hell and im bein nice at that man i hardly ever get into squabbles with...
okay i went back thru the thread and my bet is its an airflow problem take pics of your in take and exhaust to me it looks like the exhaust is to low and is causing a heat pocket of spent air (stale) which is slowy suffocating the plants, and i couldnt find the intake but im sure its on the...
man we went thru this i think it was ozone(air) problem maybe theres not a good exchange thru the box .. then again it could be a micro nutrient problem well try and fix it again jus the best thing is calm bro calm cus tryin to fix thing without thinking causes dead ladies in plants and hookers...
hell yeah man send me a pm when ya get goin again and yeah im jus bout 2 weeks in rite now with my new box , haha new gf new box she didnt like the whole closet bein taken up haha, so im in a small ass box in beer cups i have 4 thats 2 weeks 4 that should be popping and 4 that are germing i have...
i havent had time to get ya thos links heres the one from here
and theres several great videos on youtube and ill try and get the other ones up when i get off work
yep theres some immature seeds that are noticeably shit jus the other day every seed i pulled out of so dank were big fat striped pale seeds i germed em as usual in the towel and they didnt break in a day or so they go in soil cups idk if thats the whole placing them in substrate thing but ive...
they all sink eventually from water logging haha but yeah man theres nothin wrong with bagseeds they come from the plants jus like the namebrand seeds the only difference is the somewhat ensured backgrounds they say its blank x blank from blankinstan but are you super sure thats exactly from...
ill post em in a second i gotta find em in the bookmarks haha and its did you try to supercrop the plant down that low or were you jus tryin to do a lil bit cus when there older you can only work a lil bit and its gotta be super easy or well this happens
and well if it does herm pick the...
if it takes to the stress bacically you accidentally topped what happened was the stem was already woody( hardened) the only pliable part was prolly the top 10 to 15 inches but if it takes as a hst like topping itll grow two tops back maybe and id defiently give that thing a week and a half to...
like this theres a link to my fixture in there too haha they do work great lol
well the graft mite take or the clone but itll set it back awhile and youll have to trim so itll keep up but why was it to tall? and oh yeah it mite react like a highstress plant and thicken up or it could go hermie later on damn dude
yup yup man i actually kinda dig the look of it haha like its giftwrapped and hell if your three weeks in you aint got to much longer MAN IN BOUT WEEK 5 TO 7 YOULL be shit they grew overnite haha its fun as hell
haha well man the ones i use now costed 4 or 6 for the shultz and free for the sweet it works as a nice combo all the sweet does is fatten em up and make the plant uptake more even