wow dude seriously your still here..... and your gonna try and give me a grammer lesson too... im not here to impress you and honestly dont care about how you interpert my post , if your not here to help with the problem then how bout ya go screw around somewhere else im tired of reading your...
haha yeah dont go for the xbox lol and man you can always put locks on it from home depot ...... and i do like the timer idea make it harder to get bumped too that shit will piss ya off come home and the lights are on when they should be sleepin haahaha
i kno those buds look so damn good im def gonna get it and i changed my mine on the skunk haze and jungle wreck for seedsman sugar haze and the ice and the other 2 haha ill find the write up on it again but it says that the sugar haze is 23% and the afghan 21.6% and the othewres they dont have...
man good thing that lady understood she still coulda been a bitch and called anyway for aggresive dogs .... but thats cool she took the time to be cool with it .... and thats awesome your girls really gettin into it too,
oh and purp i was talkin bout plants and buds but ill go check out your...
man i was jus lookin at those seeds too haha i wanna see you grow em too and purp you got any pics of em, oh and i was thinkin bout gettin pakistan valley seeds too and eventually cross em but idk what ya think
your thinkin bout it to much man do strait water and bloom nothin else the epsom could lock it out nutrients man and i keep my fans on only when the lights are on but your box is smaller than mine tho
yeah i had that problem too so i gus put a support bar under it u could use string but somethinm mor rigid helps jus run it rite under the ballast on the bulbs
yeah man i would its alot more forgiving to overdoses MG you gotta get out the beakers and tongs to do some evil scientist shit to get really good results on mary
your dumb do you kno how many other people have said that in the world and maybe you should educate yourself and maybe offer some new terms "cunt hairs" or "pubic hairs " to be politacally correct is a sign of a female maturing, in this case its refering to the pistals emerging from the caylaxs...
if your not carful MG will roast plants like you jus put a blow torch on em and tigerbloom not so much and no the outake is at the top heat rises so thats where it should be sucked out the intake on bottom you want a good exhange across the box thru the plants jus like its bad for us to be...
well man honestly natural works great in the outdoors where the plant is able to get its own nutrients but in pots especially small ones they use up soil nutes quick so feeding them is almost a must not sayin you cant go natural but its easier .... as for the airflow idk man maybe you got it...