If you look at all religion and science it all eventually leads to the same thing. Its up to you if you decided to believe or not. I was raised Catholic, but then decided that it was all bullshit and didn't believe in God. Just recently I figured it out and I have decided that God does exist.
Okay so I made some seeds and I started germinating them, but they aren't sprouting at all. The seeds are brown and have stripes and they are mature seeds. I don't understand why they aren't sprouting. Shouldn't they be ready right away? Any comments, advice?
Sorry I was in Chicago for the weekend and didn't have my computer with me. Anyways my friend and I used the Vapir One 5.0 and I would give it a 6.5 out of 10. There are little discs that you fill with pot and those discs pop into the vaporizer. You turn on the fan, which kind of sounds like a...
She is getting it on Friday, so tomorrow. I'm excited we are going to fill up a whole bunch of bags and get super high :) I'll let you know how it goes.
That is pretty funny, but also kind of annoying. Its just more propaganda against pot. They want people to think that pot is like crack or something. LIke it just grows, you don't need test tubes and heat lamps lol
wow.... I just posted this thread because most of the gay people I know don't smoke weed and was just curious about the ones that do. The basis of this thread was still based on pot.