• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Religion Has Done More Bad Than Good


Active Member
The belief in God is so important. You can't really believe in evolution. We are all too young, our ancestry can only go back so far. Think about calculating the population backwards. There is no way we have been around for millions of years. Carbon dating is BS, carbon is stable but i am sure that it degrades exponentially, and different than how scientists say. I think that dinosaurs ate there way into extinction, and whatever was left we ate. A dinosaur had to be easier to kill than a wolly. And that ice age also probly killed a bunch more. There are not alot of places where non hyranating lizards live in the present day. I am sure that crusaders probly killed the rest of them.

The key thing is there has to be some sort of god, and the messages passed through religious books are GOOD! Its when people who are just genetically bad, raised wrong, what have you get a hold of that same info and twist it around to control others. To a point we must be controlled. I think that alot of religious teachings are purely good. The problem comes when religious folks raise money to ensure that i cannot have religious and medicinal freedom in my natural born country. Thats whats messed up. And, oh , how they hate gays. Why, well cause the church and its ways often lead people to being gay just to piss of thier folks. What a joke. Another instance is when they have gay kids, the born gay kind. Yea thats a mess. Anyways I would suggest we all find god, because there is just no way that someone, or something did not have something to do with our existance. We are like a mix between a monkey, a pig, and a reptile. And when i say reptile take a good close look at the skin on your hands and legs. Smooth as they may be, still the pattern is there. And the pig, well there are no other animals that are more like us besides monkeys. Pigs have our skin color. Pigs can only have colors just like Human race colors. And that is also dictated in the dermis, just like humans. And of course monkeys cause they are the closest thing to our shape and nasal structure and flat face. So we were not evolved we were genetically engineered. And the Nazis figured it out, The US has known for quite a while. Why do you think that we stopped stem cell research. Its not for lack of aborted fetuses. Its cause like in out past history some things can only be explored so far until things that change mankind as we know it are discovered. Imagine all the people that already know these things from.........anyways, there is a god. And god must be respected, and if some want to prey. Let them prey. If we have done so in one way or another for thousands of years there must be more than comfort and control. A sence of purpose, and a reason for being is always nice to have in life.

But if you want to go around life in one dimension, or i guess three then ok. But just think of how much better heaven would be then eternal nothingness. Like the time between when you fall asleep and wawke up, no dreams. Like those times when you wake up and it was like you were asleep for minutes, yet it was hours. You must understand gods time. 7 days could be 70,000 years. And that flood, yea it could have been so bad that people never forgot. It could have been a little glacial meltdown from the emmission we put off! I am willing to be our asses put out more emmissions leaving a buffett than the car does on the way home. Methan is really bad for the ozone. Burt up its ok i think. Anyways take a good look around, people are a little bit more than super monkeys!
Ok so u just have no idea what u are talking about... ok so they dont use carbon dating for dinosaurs because it only works up to 60,000 years... so right there that tells us dinosaurs are def older than 60,000 years old... they would use other methods like potassium-argon dating... and Carbon-14 dating is a proven scientific method... unlike u religious folks whose only "proof" of god is... oh wait there is no proof, you got have "Faith"... i will take fact over faith any day of the week. before u go on blabbing like ur some sort of theological scientist or some shit cuz u dont even know what carbon dating really is... and u honeslty think it would be easier to kill a pack of raptors or a 35 foot tall tyrannasaurus with a long stick... dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago and to think otherwise is absolutely proposterous!

please explain to me how god just plopped everything onto the earth! oh wait i know ur answer "faith"

and as far as ur people being good and bad speeech, evil is taught! no person is born evil.

many people in here need to look up the difference between religion and philosophy... example/ Christianity, catholics, scientoligists, etc.. are religions... buddhism, confushism, are philosphies... read up on it


Active Member
Uhhhh, how about the fact that for CENTURIES the church INSISTED that the sun revolves around the earth. Kind of a biggie, and yet.... absolutely wrong. Ppl had to hide from the church because of this nonsense!

a "church" can say anything they want to... i was asking about the bible


Active Member
Ok so u just have no idea what u are talking about... ok so they dont use carbon dating for dinosaurs because it only works up to 60,000 years... so right there that tells us dinosaurs are def older than 60,000 years old... they would use other methods like potassium-argon dating... and Carbon-14 dating is a proven scientific method... unlike u religious folks whose only "proof" of god is... oh wait there is no proof, you got have "Faith"... i will take fact over faith any day of the week. before u go on blabbing like ur some sort of theological scientist or some shit cuz u dont even know what carbon dating really is... and u honeslty think it would be easier to kill a pack of raptors or a 35 foot tall tyrannasaurus with a long stick... dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago and to think otherwise is absolutely proposterous!

please explain to me how god just plopped everything onto the earth! oh wait i know ur answer "faith"

and as far as ur people being good and bad speeech, evil is taught! no person is born evil.

many people in here need to look up the difference between religion and philosophy... example/ Christianity, catholics, scientoligists, etc.. are religions... buddhism, confushism, are philosphies... read up on it

All radiometric dating methods are based on assumptions about events that happened in the past. If the assumptions are accepted as true (as is typically done in the evolutionary dating processes), results can be biased toward a desired age. In the reported ages given in textbooks and other journals, these evolutionary assumptions have not been questioned, while results inconsistent with long ages have been censored. When the assumptions were evaluated and shown faulty, the results supported the biblical account of a global Flood and young earth. Christians should not be afraid of radiometric dating methods. Carbon-14 dating is really the friend of Christians, and it supports a young earth.

Carbon-14 data is now firmly on the side of the young-earth view of history.


Active Member
Yes, which is why we Muslims believe your Bible is not (or at least no longer) the word of God. It is the word of man. There was no Bible when Jesus was on earth!

At least the Quran has remained exactly as it was when revealed to Muhammad. Not one letter has been altered!
thats a dumb argument.. i can print the Quran and change every other word in it if i wanted to..

the original text of of the bible isnt changing its just money hungry people that print the "new" bibles


Active Member
1) Why would God suddenly make man one day after spending so long chilling?

Why has God not shown himself to mankind?

Why did God create man? So they could worship him?

Why does God let innocent people die?

2) My point was not everyone who isnt religious is Atheist.

3) How could you possibly know if these religions are right or wrong when you would never seriously consider them.

That last statement of yours is so full of ignorance that I am a little shocked someone even considered it and then said it.

1a. how would i know?
1b he has and some (you) still dont believe
1c i dont know
1d is dieing bad? maybe u mean suffer
He assures us that “all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). So even suffering is part of the “all things” that God is using to accomplish His good purposes. His plan is perfect, His character is flawless, and those who trust Him will not be disappointed.

3 i didnt just stumble onto christianity i looked at alot of religions. if you look at prophecies, other historical documents, and really good answers to all the supposed contradictions, you would be a christian also. remember i wasnt born a christian.

if you really want to know some good christian answers check out gotquestions.org in my sig

Illegal Smile

On analysis, the evidence for the existence of god and the evidence that Obama was born in the US are equal - zero in both cases.


Well-Known Member
1a. how would i know?
1b he has and some (you) still dont believe
1c i dont know
1d is dieing bad? maybe u mean suffer
He assures us that “all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). So even suffering is part of the “all things” that God is using to accomplish His good purposes. His plan is perfect, His character is flawless, and those who trust Him will not be disappointed.

3 i didnt just stumble onto christianity i looked at alot of religions. if you look at prophecies, other historical documents, and really good answers to all the supposed contradictions, you would be a christian also. remember i wasnt born a christian.

if you really want to know some good christian answers check out gotquestions.org in my sig
We've come to a point in this discussion where we both start questioning each others source of information reliability and it becomes pointless to continue.

I would say I dont believe the bible to be true and thus its teachings mean fuck all. Then you could say the same about all scientific research.

I would have to know you a lot better to find something with which i could relate my arguments. Something to get through to you. And the same goes for you. Neither do i really want to persuade you out of your faith.

One thing though. Where you raised in a Christian family or was there a strong Christian influence in your life when you where at a young age? < 20 say.


Active Member
We've come to a point in this discussion where we both start questioning each others source of information reliability and it becomes pointless to continue.

I would say I dont believe the bible to be true and thus its teachings mean fuck all. Then you could say the same about all scientific research.

One thing though. Where you raised in a Christian family or was there a strong Christian influence in your life when you where at a young age? < 20 say.
I am not questioning your source of info because you havent given me any.

Alot of people dont believe the bible but have they really given it a chance? i have given alot of religions a chance. christianity is the only one that i have found that holds up to the test

Yes my parents are christians i was raised in church. I HATED the church and everything about it, the way they ask for tithes, prayed for healing, fell on the ground acting like they were filled with the holy spirit, speaking in toungs, falling down when someone touched them or waved a hand accrose the croud like benny hinn does, how those tv preachers ask for money saying you will recieve a blessing I HATED IT ALL and still do hate all that!!!
all that is B/S that is not the real church
heres my story...
oneday i realized man did not create plants,air,earth and sence nothing can't creat something i was faced with: there must be A god years later i figured i would give god a chance so the search begain. I reluctantly ended up finding out christianity was real. during my search i ask myself if my parents friends and family were mormon, muslim ext. would i pick that religion. The answer is no, i picked christianity because its real the bible is real. altho some churches are fake that does not mean all churches are.

Illegal Smile

On analysis, the evidence for the existence of god and the evidence that Obama was born in the US are equal - zero in both cases.
The similarity goes deeper. In both cases the lack of evidence is made up for by making it an article of faith. If you doubt god in the face of no evidence, you are a heathen. If you doubt Obama's birthplace in the face of no evidence, you are a conspiracy nut.

The difference is that in the former case, they don't have any evidence, and in the second case they do but are hiding it.


Active Member
The similarity goes deeper. In both cases the lack of evidence is made up for by making it an article of faith. If you doubt god in the face of no evidence, you are a heathen. If you doubt Obama's birthplace in the face of no evidence, you are a conspiracy nut.

The difference is that in the former case, they don't have any evidence, and in the second case they do but are hiding it.
how do you know god does not exist?


Active Member
They are one in the same and inseperable. Without the church, there would be no Bible.
I dont think we are on the same page when talking about "the church"
you talking about the pope? b/c i am not

You could start a church and say stars are real diamonds but that doesnt mean the bible states that. Then i could turn around and say the church said blah blah...

So i am asking about the bible but you dont have to answer


Well-Known Member
thats a dumb argument.. i can print the Quran and change every other word in it if i wanted to..

the original text of of the bible isnt changing its just money hungry people that print the "new" bibles
Again, you're wrong because every Quran printed (in the original Arabic) for the last 1400 years has been EXACTLY the same. Can you say the same about your scripture?

I highly recommend you download and watch this:



Active Member
Again, you're wrong because every Quran printed (in the original Arabic) for the last 1400 years has been EXACTLY the same. Can you say the same about your scripture?

I highly recommend you download and watch this:


wow, you dont get it? I can print the quran and change words in it. do you understand that I can do that?
well if i can do that someone else can do that to the bible.. you get it right?

the original text of the bible is the same it does not change only thing that changes is someones interpretation of it and they then print a "new bible"

you right now get a quran and copy it the way you think it would be easier for people to read then print it i will then say the quran has changed.. if you dont understand what i am trying to say just forget it end of conversation