coco vs hydroton
the whole point of this simple ebb and grow system is oxygen, with it you will notice major growth rates, as anyo0ne with the system using hydroton will tell youm, the action of the drain cycle vacuuming in fresh o2 into the rootzone is the whole point here. now when using...
flush once a month, or i dont know how stable you PH is, but if a normal new fresh tank PH'd at 5.5 takes a couple of days to get into the 6's then everything is just fine, if start ph is 5.5 and next day its at 7.0 thats when you know for sure you need to flush. aniother good indicator is...
just by dicking around with an aerojet in the shop its definitly a better product, i canned the dyi aero fence post system cus it was too hard to clean, the AJ is basically rockwool slab trays with lids, any system that has lids in aero is much better than having a long channel, pop it open pull...
cut back on the nutrient strength just a little. under intense lighting and high heat the plants will drink much more water. read the link on my theory/method on feeding. let the plants dictate to you if...
i dont think the multi flow system is on the market anymore. the CAP ebb and grow system is good, way better production than using flood trays. you can pick up the sentinel MEF, very similar to the e&G but a new design and costs more. theres a whole thread dedicated to the bucket system and i...
yea any old spray will do. you can leav a regular house spider alone....good bugs bro, they dont eat plants and they feast on all other bugs. if you want you can spray around the outside of your tent but watch out spraying into the fresh air supply. if you ever have a chance you can pick up a...
tomato cages are the way to go, forget trellis systems and nets, the cages allow you to keep your pots independant. used as you would normally do will not cause any shading, they are thin wire! sick LST work can be done, like spiral limbs along the outside of the cage or traditional tie down...
cooley everything sounds just right, so far you have a feeding taking place every 6 hours, try to put a piece of poly over your cubes, if they are always wet expect to see some algae groeth on them. i would wait for some roots to grow to the bottom of the pots to change the floods to every...
agree with you about using the hydroplex for most of the flowering cycle, only because you have with PBP and hydroplex every single major and minor mineral gauerenteed
a month ago i got some hydroplex for free, the new version as the other posted said, like everyone else i havent noticed shit! on the bottle it says for late flowering, but for most bloom boosters you want to run it during the middle to end, its a chem fert with gaurenteed analysis of micros in...
yes yes and yes, put 4 buckets under each of those 600s and veg for 4 weeks, unless you have genetics that like to stretch or if starting from seed. why dont you check out the thread " for all cap ebb&grow users"
i used ebb and grow systems, the TW went with the LA con only because they are both heavy feeders, as for stress and root zones they were perfect in every case, this is why i strongly doubt its my method and skill. i do not mix strains because all strains are different and require more or less...
breeder suggests 8-10 weeks on the b cheese, same for the TW, same conditions the TW might be the best shit i ever had , also the cheese had a 3 week cure. co2 at higher temps will increase growth rate, but when running a sealed room no matter the temps you must supplement it. then what about...
heres the stats and conditions of the envirnoment:
Blue cheese in the summer till fall was in a sealed room, a/c co2, plenty of air circulation, carbon scrubber temps from 74-78F, water was chilled at 65F, nutes used were Botanicares PBP gro and bloom, cal-mag for i have tap water at 40ppm...
i didnt know where to put this question, only thing i did know is that lots of old schoolers roam this thread and much experience here and i know you guys seen every issue in the book, a few months ago i grew out BB blue cheese, very healthy, finished product was the most perfect looking, best...