was a great read but only explained y the leaves move or close, and it only specified plants of the bean family that sleep to either protect itself from chilling or freezin- darwin. or these guys are saying to protect itself from the light of the moon interfering with photosynthisis
well im not trying to be an ass but that was a very interesting read but again they do not really touch on the subject wether they sleep or not but it does talk about literally one species of a plant sleeping and that is the leguminous plants:
(leguminous plant - an erect or climbing bean or...
not to much goin on i had to raise the lights again! not complainin though!!....
the three 1024 clones
the secondary growth is growing very big not to sure if that neccesarily means bigger buds but i feel they shoulda been in flower a week or two ago!
Afghani Hindu Kush
shes the most lush...
we see where u are coming from but ur reasons for thinkin so are not proven!...in each thread the only thing they say to support ur argument is the title! there are no fact shown that a plant is sleeping other than wen it rains and has shut down many of its processes...other than this time they...
im like a girl but u need tha last word right? last i knew this was an intelectual debate to where u wur at a loss of supporting evidence and truely had 0 valid points to offer...its very easy to say something with out proof as u have shown us i kno i am not 100% right but i do hang on to what i...
there is no dark period if the lights are on 24/7....thats 24hrs a day 7days a week? and yea a seed will sprout regardless of light or not...
i think he is mistking th e7 out of 24/7 to be a dark period?
lol that was the first time ive let it get to me like dat but man i just cant stand ignorance i mean i dont believe i am always right but i will stand for what i beleive until proven otherwise...proven being the key word...i mean if u clearly are new to something and arent the most educated in...
u shouldnt add any nutes at this point or any water thatll just make the plant even worse! u should revise the drainage of ur makeshift pots! that looks to be ur biggest problem...and wen watering u should stop once u see some runoff....but i would say they are like that becuase the water isnt...
thanks u guys but i guess all that good information just doenst matter...i sure hate what hsi site has become! but i just hope that type of ignorance isnt present in the new site!
lolf well i guess that proves that lofl....can i ask somethin though? how can u take someones post tat posted wayyyy be4 u ever added ur misinformation, and use to say he agrees with something u posted way after? and to top it all off he wrote that to disagree with you lofl ur ignorance is very...
u see what im saying he gets hung up on irrelevent bullshit...now how does dd420 post help to prove ur statement? ur wrong plain out and simple u and ur 3forum links are wrong we have provided many relaible sources for u to read but u choose to ignore them and use forum topics from other forums...
well saif KOQ but of course he will have something that wil disagree and we are all wrong because his 3 sites on the world wide web said so...and o yea humans do it so plants do as well!
so u are now using the human body to prove that plants sleep?
and so u know u use more energy wen ur awake then u dop wen ur sleeping hence the definition of sleeping!
the plant doesnt just grow wen the lights are out the plant is working....working..wen the human is awake they are working wen...
lofl who is trying to fight? did u not even read the link u have suggested us to read? it only describes photosynthisis and then the only thing to bac the proof of wether or notthey sleep it refers to the stomates not being open, so i think u should learn to throw daggers at ppl wen fit to do...
so if im out running all day breaking a sweat and dehydrating and hydrating, fuiling and refuiling my body isnt working more than wen im asleep?
but lets say i am wrong about the human body wen it sleeps...u still havent proven that a plant sleeps...................so we can get hung up on less...
ok with that being said u are smart enough to understand the definition of sleeping correct? ok so if there is no change in the rate the plant works with the light on or off than how is it sleeping? the only thing that u have determined to sleeping is the lights being off.....wena human is awake...
y must i post all the evidence ive written? ive given u a definition of what sleeping is and then i gave u numerous links to evidence supporting the fact that plants wether it be light or dark are vigoursly working....and not once does ur discription of plants sleeping at night fit into the...
we care what u think becuase u are aiming to get ppl to beleive that a plant sleeps wen the lights go off, which is false and its that type of ignorance that leads to forum hype and bullshit, many ppl on here devout tons of there time into teaching ppl true and factual things and everyday there...
that is the exact same link u posted earlier! there is nothing in that peice that proves a plant sleepsit only proves that the plants have a type of biological clock...............