this post proves y u are mistaken!
Symptoms of Deficiency In Essential Minerals
Wade Berry, UCLA
Visual nutrient deficiency symptoms can be a very powerful diagnostic tool for evaluating the nutrient status of plants. One should keep in mind, however, that a given individual...
Phosphorus (P) deficiency is a plant disorder that is most common in areas of high rainfall, especially on acid, clay or poor chalk soils. Cold weather can cause a temporary deficiency.
All plants may be affected, although this is an uncommon disorder. Particularly susceptible are carrots...
Lack of phosphates in the soil can lead to poor growth, and leaves that turn a dull green with purple or yellow tints. Sometimes leaf margins may become slightly scorched. Although phosphate deficiency is fairly rare, it is most likely to occur on clay soils, and in areas where there is a...
are u that retarded that u cant see that site is clearly me lookin up p def. but yet u still deny it? i mean come one man ur not onyl telling tons of ppl there wrong on this site ur telling ppl that study this shit and have scientific proof that their wrong....i think u need to rethink all this...
no but i do think ur the only one who thinks that irrellevent bullshit can help to back up ur ignorance and u are still the only one...and 3 other ppl on forums...that think plants sleep at dark period!
sooooooo how the fuck u have nute burn without feeding nutes? damn man this shit is gettin aggricating now like come on man get a clue u have internet just use it and stop being soooo ignorant!!!!!!!
actually i was referring to ur many posts saying that yellowing plants are P def. which is not true at all! infact u even said that it was normal in the first few weeks of flower...which is also wrong as no def. pplant is normal! and i think u need to do more research....
Phosphorus (P)Old...
am i really the only one that sees this kids stupidity? i mean am i really making shit up? lofl u clearly kno nothing u talk bout! u dont even kno what uve said be4! and instead of telling to look it up u look up the dumb shit that uve said in this thread and than research exactly how dumb they...
wtf man wow! just read bac u clearly said that they had nute burn becuase u didnt feed them nutes! we told u there was a def. with caused by lack of nutes and ur like no dude how u gonna tell me my friend fed it plain water and it got nute burn and i fed it nutes again and it was ok! lofl! that...
no i was talkin about killing them with ur stupidity...which u proved once again as i stated many times in the beggining of this thread that night periods are better like i said shut up and learn somethin man! ive had more harvests than every year uve been alive! and that was just in the past...
wtf is wrond with u man!?!? i mean ive tried to be nice but i really feel that u have a mental disability! u clearly stated that u had nute burn from feeding a plant plain water! how the fuck can u misinterprate what u wrote? look bac in the thread its all there u told us that u had nute burn...
wtf now u have changed the whole argument hyroot u stated earlier that nute burn can happen in a plant thats not feedin nutes we simply said that was wrong and explained the reason y u are the one that keeps confusing urself by goin on rants and getting hung up on irrelevent shit! the fact that...
im sorry ur too hung up on the small words posted annd not actually hung up on reading ur own links.....the site said that darwin says plants shut down to protect from chill or freeze and they said on the site they think that it shuts down to not interfere with photosynthisis but that was again...
this is your post!!!!
you can get nute burns from not feeding them too.
try it and see what happens. they burn then yellow. been there before. went out of town and had some one else take care of em. but didnt want them to mees up the nute regiment. so gave em only water. after they got used to...
would u just stop digging urself into an even bigger hole of stupidity ignorance and verbal diareah! u said u have nute burn from a plant that is being fed plain water............did u not?...o ok...thats right udid! so y are u now trying to change what u said? u are rediculous and ifact what u...
well with that dagger thrown ill applaud u as ur stupidity ammuses me!! u have not proven nething! onky thing u proved was a certain species sleeps to protect itself...andd.....thjats it
and my picture i a charecter that basicallyrefers to an upcoming site free of trolls n uneducated...