I'm trying to figure out what seeds to buy I smoke dro its exspensive here what the actual name of that like what seeds could I get that is the same as that
This is my first time lst my white widow plant is 3 weeks I have been lst it for a week. It is now bent down to the side and the sides are growing up now its so bushy what do I tie down next I had plan to veg for 21 days do I have veg longer now cause I'm lst it or I can keep lst while I'm flowering
I went out of town for 2 days and be fore I feft I had planted a blue widow seed I did not think it was going to sprout that fast its like 3 inches what could I do about the streching
Ok my leaves are folding up like a v they litterally about to touch each other. What could be wrong I just transffer it to a bigger pot cause I think it was root bound in its cup I tell you when you try and grow these dame plant they don't grow but when I just let it do its own thing they grow
I just bought these two bags of exspensive ass soil and the had bug in them I tried to return them they would not let me is there something I can do to kill all the bugs before I transfer my plant into them I can't spend no more money on dirt
I have been vegging a new white widow for a week now in a red dixie cup roots have not came out of the bottom yet I plan on vegging for 3 to 4 weeks . How long could I leave it in the party cup and could I trans plant it into a 12 inch pot and let it finish is life in that thabks
Can somebody please help me I have a feminized white widow plant that is 5 days old its growing pretty good its in a red party cup and the soil is miracle gro potting mix i . It seems like every time I water it these little white bugs just start coming out is there a way I can save this its last...
Is there a way I can pick a bag of soil that doesn't have bugs it seems like evrybag I get it has bugs is there something I can do to the soil that kills all the bugs before I put the seeds in I wasted 4 feminized seeds
I'm in week 1 of veg do you have to spray your plants with water and if you do when do you do it and is it alright if I let ir grow regular with no topping or lst
Last night I just planted one feminized white widow seed. I thought I cheched the dirt good but this morning when I got up I saw little bugs crawling around I don't want to throw away this is there something I can do help
I'm germinating a white widow seedsman seed how long should I veg for and what size pot should I get and I'm going to lst it I'm using cfl I'm tring to get at least oz and half
I just got my hands on some deisel lowryder autoflower seeds from a friend I know they flower on there on so when they start flowering do I switch the light schedule and the bulbs or I can go the whole time 20 on 4 off