I am on my 29 day of flowering I am using cfl and also sunlight when it comes through my autrium I get 6 hours of sun and 6 hours of cfls is this ok to be doing is the sun better than a hps system
I am growing seedsman white widow I am on my 27 day of flowering how long do you guys let your white widow flower for I am using miracle gro bloom booster how long do I have to use this for and when do the buds really start to fatten up
I am on day 17 of flowering I am originally flowering with cfl but the sun been out can I put the plant in the sun room to get like 7 hours of sun cause its coming straigt through or will this mess something up
I found a hps system on ebay a 150 watt systen for a 100 bucks would that be enough for one plant and how far away will the bulb have to be away from the plant
Ok I am tired of cfls I want to move up to a hps system I'm looking for like a 200 or 250 watter I only grow a plant at a time where could I go and by the whole thing put together do home depot sell them
I have a blue widow that is 2 weeks old it is in a 20oz cup it has 4 roots coming out the bottom is it time to trans plant now and could I put it in a 3 gallon pot next to let it finish or a gallon and then the 3 gallon
I am on my 12 day of flower and it is a white widow how long will it strech for I lst it. But now it is growing straight up and the light is close to it
Wal mart is the only store I have around I have to kill these things so if I go with the no strips how long could I leave them in there is really not that many pistils
I'm growing white widow to I veg for 3 weeks and. Now I'm on my second week of flowering. Mine does not stink either I got it from atittude seedsman strain may I ask what bloom nutes are you using
I'm in my first week of flowering. I just figured out I have gnats could these hurt my plant or what could I do to get rid of them now the plant is growing good
Ok I'm in my 1st week of flowering is it ok I put my plant in the sun room to get light cause I get a good ten hours of sunlight in there will it stretch cause the light is not close up on it
I'm growing seedsman white widow that I got from attitude I veg for 3 weeks and been in flowering for 1 whole day there is no smell att all when I usally grow these things stink around. Week 2 what's going on