thanks man. i planned on trimmin a lil closer.... but those leaves just looked too frosty to trim off.... soo i had to leavem on. hahaha. deff impressed tho. curious as to wat the seeds will produce...?
aiight heres sum pics of the ak-48 harvest... the buds are heavy as shit!! the heaviest buds ive had so far. even the smaller ones feel liek they weigh a ton.. as youll be able 2 c. even the small buds aer weighin down teh branches.
AK-48 Harvest (about 9 weeks)
AK-48 Trimmed BudShots...
yeaaa i was gonna sya that it might need a week or so longer too. lol. but yeaa i've harvested half my plant plenty of times. =) i feel like ti makes the other half of the plant finish faster... due to the stress of long half of its "body" i guess u could call it. lol. but once it recovers. all...
ughhhh.... yeaa maybe ill just use one of them... i had them in my hand at lowes before... but after reading all the warnings... i put it back... i do have pets... have a cat in my room where my closet it.... and have a dog and another cat that roam the house. the cat in my room hates every1...
naa man.. i missed the 1st episode... PISSED! im hopin it comes on demand soon.. i thought it was madd funny wen they broke into the house and found the plants!! lmao
wilfred?? im acually about to watch that now.. well the repeat cuz i missed the 10pm one. =/ saw the last minute of it.. adn they were chillen on the couch smokin out a ghetto bong... hahahha
wow man... this is VERY impressive... deff on the top of the list of the frostiest buds ive seen! crazyyyyy!
gonna post sum pics up of my AK this weekend b4 i harvest it.
i harvested my warlock last night. =) checekd the trichs. had sum amber heads in there. sooo i took her down. also put a floja into flowering. along with another gorilla grape too. =) will have an update this weekend. =D
is it this??
or this stuff?
yeaaaa man im tellin every1... those nirvana strains are BOMBB!!! ive grown quite a few of them. and EVERY single one has been great! each has their own unique aspect as well. i have not tried blue mystic yet tho. =/ its a strain i deff wanna try tho... ive grown northern lights tho... and its...
woooooooohoooooooo! nice man. glad to see u got the room all picked out adn wat not.. adn mann.. it funny... i cant imagin not growin anymore.... i can only imagine having to wait a month to start up again! must suck... oo well. once u get shit bak under way youll be happy.. and soo will i cuz i...
thanks guys. ughhh. idk if i could actually just scrap all my plants... thats pretty hard top do y aknow.... startin from scratch... again. we'll see.... if i cant get these bastards under control... then maybe i will....
aiight thats good! lol. and yeaa deff happy bout the bruins as well... adn yeaa.. i still dont get the whole destroying your own city cuz you lost thing... u would think they would wanna destroy our city.. not their own...
no problem man. u shouild post the link to ur thread soo i can go check it out tho. cant wait to see ur harvest! ill be harvesting my AK in a week or 2. u can click my signature and check out more up to date pics if ur interested. ill be posting pics harvest pics up there too