pissed.. idk how the hell i missed it.. but one of my GGs went hermie... she pushed out female pre-flowers... but once he/she went into flowering... balls galore.. oo well. still got 1
they are VERY frosty too.. well for their size.. its about 2 1/2 weeks... but its got a good amount of frost...
ive heard late august/early september it should start. =) i gotta check on my ladies soooon. i got 2 full moons adn 1 gorilla grape outside in the woods
looks good so far man. maybe get sum steaks to help hold up the stems? if therye bending/snapping.. ive never had a succesfull outdoor grow.. soo im not much help. lol. but IMO they look good. =)
deff on eof my frostiest strains ive ever grown. smoked a bowl of it last night.. and mannnnn.... shits POWERFUL!!!!!
I have alot more pics of this harvest... but didnt wanna post them ALL up here. heres teh link to the page with the AK's harvest...
roughly about 4 weeks. the AK was from seed. and the warlock was from clone. ur missin out on the warlock man.. i like this strain alot. very unique smelling and growing buds. the Warlock came up to about 24 grams dry. adn im still waiting on the AK to dry/cure for a final weight.
biggest yield...
yeaa its a nice pheno tho. i like it. the sativa pheno has a good amount of frost. i can see it pilin up now. it has alot more frost than the indica pheno.
the sativa pheno has almost a sweet/minty smell to it. i like the smell alot.
the indics pheno has more of a musky smell.. not 2 strong of...
ughhh. i fuckin hope so man!! lol. yeaa the GG's seem to be pretty resistant to the mites. =) thats always good. gettin sum good money this thursday. soo gonna get sumthin else for the mites.. i wanna use teh hot shot NPS.. but it just worries me that we have other animals in the house.. and...
the GG's are deff very very hungry.... all the friggin time. lol. yeaa all 3 of my GG's seemed to grow exactly the same. deff not much variation on them. but thats good. =) cant wait to see them in full bloom adn yeaa i saw the pics of ur MM. they look GREAT! kinda like my floja did in the...
sorry it took a lil while guys. was busy this morning. heres sum pics of all the flowering plants. =) teh 2 GG's and the Floja and the 2 bastard Bubbas. =D just transplanted teh 2 GG's adn the FLoja yesterday. the Gorilla Grapes looks GREAT! same for the bubbas. im loving the sativa pheno. buds...
nope... that almost impossible man.. there are saooooo many variables that are involved... wen i 1st started growing i used to ask this question alot... and i now know theres NOOOOOOO way to tell. =/ i usuallt like to bet for at least an ounce per plant... any more is just extra. hahahaha