If your going to vaporize with bongs the ssv is a no brainer. Personally I find with the extreme is that you really have to inhale hard to get good vapor-flow where as my vaporbrothers box vape you only need to inhale a small amount to generate nice vapor-flow. The extreme's whip experience is...
What if god was a flying plate of spaghetti? Would you truly believe in a flying plate of spaghetti? I can't.
Jehovah's witnesses are a hella Fucked up religion.
Cool story bro.
Even if the big bang and evolution theories were disproven I would still be an atheist, fuck religion, man made bs like all of our other bs.
Chromium crusher dual screen kief machine 2.5" $25 ftw
You can over grind with Coffee grinders, almost to dust.
Breaking it up with your fingers is prob the worst. Trics stick to your hands.e
Either way dank is dank, I doubt you would notice a difference.
You could have just gone with a bare bulb vertical grow setup, jesus does anyone on this site grow vertical I know FDD did and it was epic.??? Using that cool tube and growing vertically would be your best option.
Growing vertically bare bulb the heat just rises up quickly to the top. You can...
What if Mr. Obama has just been siding issues with the reds just to make it to the next term. Then he fucking goes crazy and passes awesome laws.
I know, I know. It's not going to happen.
...regulation? Jk.
I saw a documentary on chernobyl about how the animals took it back over. It could be the way the earth is cleansing itself from people. Seriously though we need to stop fucking up our planet.
Thats awesome that you pay $65 for said healthcare. Others are not so fortunate. I used to detail cars for a Volvo dealership and the techs there all had to pay around $900 to cover the wife, two kids and himself full coverage. Just for a single tech to pay for insurance it was around $250ish a...
Well he did try to "fix" healthcare by proposing a universal healthcare system. That system is far cheaper than privatized insurance companies. The state of Vermont declared that they are going to switch to a version of obamacare. It's going to be saving the state $400,000,000.
Vermont isn't...