Any Thai sativa wins my heart every time.
Nirvana's Full moon, fruity sweet trippy high. GHS thai-tanic, very potent loooooong flower time.
Indicas put me to sleep.
I'm smoking white widow QWISO hash right now and its hits like a truck.
My first experience with bho was pretty comparable to when i over ate some edibles. It was a white knuckle ride for about 5 - 6ish hours. I had the spins. It was fucking intense. Its like 80 - 85% thc, just stupid insane...
Glad to hear glen beck is off but the stupidity won't stop.
BTW its fucking climate change, the climate is changing. Its not just "getting warm everywhere" the climate is changing as in more violent storms, heavier winters, hotter summers. To say its hot in in the winter time is just stupid...
When you combust you release carcinogens, your body responds to this by releasing antibodies. Vaporizing at the correct temp will give a different feeling but there isn't a release of carcinogens, tar and other nasty shit.
Skip to 5:50 for the explanation...
I thought it was all a joke... but your dead serious, Roflmao.
Smoke some weed and read into the universe with Stephen Hawkings and tell me what you think.
If you can't or don't want to read then watch the documentary on YouTube.
Space is curved. The universe is expanding. Time is...