sorta wondering the same... well... to be honest... frenchy and beansly, quite frankly, you have both confused me on that one... ones trying to read into what the other "meant" while further confusing yourselves even more... just a lil advice for the future... confucious says: dont try to win...
the taiga lady is still alive but barely... lol... i just dont see how... if the root is growing, its a microscopic growth spurt for sure... now just sorta waitin around till my green o matic seed cracksshell... prolly put it into my perilite setu tomorrow... im not really in a rush with the...
it.ll be a fun adventure and possibly useful in the future. thats sorta my style of gowing.. for experimental and knowledge purposes... im neverto worried bout the yeild as long as i replace cost of grow ;) ... which really aint ever too much... lol...
well... imma bout to have some new piks of my severely stunted taiga lady...
its sorta strange... i am thinking i "shocked" the auto trait outta her... unless she really isnt an auto...reason i am saying this is simple... she is 24 days old from sprout... sh has shown no signs of sex at...
any suggestons on what could possibly replace having t ouse rockwool and hydroton? tossup between jiffy pucks, or lining th outide of my net cop with like panty hose or somethingand filling up th cup with perilite... my only cncern isif the roots will be strong enough to grow through the hose...
fuccin sweethomie... i got some purp seeds from a homie in the 504 awhile back (like two years), your grow has me wanting to sprout them... you got any experience with legends ultimate indica?
lemme explain better.. i think i missed something.. lol.. damn stoner.. lol... anyways... she was already yellowed and "burnt" before transplanting to dwc... when i checkedout her soil a few day ago (mg mc) i noticed that around her tap root, there was a square clump of super moist soil... i...
i would recomend letting them grow up to the height required to wrap around the rim first... early lst has a way of stopping vertical growth from what was once your main cola... just a pointer... not always true, but in my personal experience it did...
i would def veg her as long as possible indoors (simply to let her getbigger, bigger plant, bigger buds :) ) then toss her outside for flower...
is she flowering already?