What's up my RIU folks!
Today is water day, last time was on the 26th..and here we are today..the 29th...
This water day brought a new present with it!
She got transplanted, yup that's right!
I've been making compost for the past 3 months, and now is time to give it a try! I "sifted" (i have no idea what the correct word is in english,but i placed them through some netting to get only the finest pieces..which in return gave my the compost powder, the real stuff that composted!) the compost.
Here on the island it is so so so usual that folks have goats at home, so luckily i know some folks who own goats, so there i was with a 5 gallon bucket asking for some goat shit (mest) ....and then i "sifted" this shit too in a different bucket...
and the final product of both..were mixed together with a ratio of 1 cup to 1 cup ...so i suppose i have some pretty good stuff going in there... lets call it "boom"
I got her a 6.8L Pot.
The soil consists of;
16 cups of universal black soil
4 and a half cups of boom
1 tablespoon of 6-9-0 organic bone meal
the lower 3/4 part of the pot is mixed with perlite..the upper 1/4 with the rest of the mix... i did this because i hate it when i water it and all the perlite come floating on the top...
So, I did my best, I put lot's of love in it. Let's hope that God does the rest
A pic of how stuff look right now: