here is another pic from this morning day 28 doing much much better. I added Earth Juice nutrients the other day. It is much bigger and I am pretty sure a girl :) It is still really small so kinda hard to tell even with my microscope.
I switched to Fox farm I actually think I was using scotts but can't remember for sure. That was about it except I cut back on watering I think I may have been watering a little too much LOL There is new growshop in my town and they had the fox farm soil. I also got some earth juice but have not...
Here is todays pic,, two leave tips are kinda crispy and not sure why They are not burnt from the lights, and I don't think it the soil or the foliage spray but I will lay off the spray for a day to see.
Here are pics from today you can tell the older plant is much happier. 1" tall and it should be flowering soon LOL I am much happier now also . Probalby start using the earth juice soon, I spray a couple times a day or more with Super Foliage spray
Here a couple pics. I just repotted them in foxfarm soil and bought some earth juice nutes I will use soon. I seen alot of root growth on the 3 week old one but still funny small. The new one looks good so far. I am spraying them now a few times a day with superfoliage spray. Hope they do good...
I have a new one just showing its 2 leaves today :) we will see how this one goes. I am not giving up on the other even though it is 22 days and is about 1" tall LOL it is still growing. I will try and get a pic up tomorrow. I ended up paying around $80 for my 10 since I bought a t shirt also...
When I had to be secretive I had no problem tossing some seeds in dirt cups and growing a plant. Just to have to throw it away due to construction on our house. Now that I am totally legal with card, I am having problems LOL
I think my last plant it dying also :( its main leaves are crispy and drying up. I know I am watering enough maybe too much not sure. I will see I can get a pic up tomorrow. I have popped another seed an it put in some soil so I can start over :) will probably germinate another in a week or 2.
man I had to throw out the 2 in hydro and the 1 in soil is so small its crazy it seems to still be growing but maybe an 1" tall after more than 2 weeks.
I ended up throwing out the 2 plants in hydro :( they were gonna die for sure. The soil plant is doing OK it is only about 1" tall and has 4 sets of leaves. I should have had general hyrodponics nutes in the water for the bubble system a guy from another forum told me. I also should have waited...
Man my plants don't look so good :( I got some things to change. I think I put them in rockwool too soon from soil. I dropped the sprout in some soil for 1 week then to the hydro set up. I think it was too soon and I had the net pot too far into water and the wool was staying much too wet. I...
I will try and journal my first ever grow and CFL grow. I am a med patient so am legal but thought for fun I would do a PC grow. I set it up like I have seen other pics. I have 3 CFL's 1-36w, 1-32w, and 1-26w. I have a micro bubble grow tub, 2 fans 1 pulling in and 1- 7 or 8" exhaust fan. I used...
My friend just gave me a 1000w HPS light. He got it from a greenhouse that he was doing electrical work in. The thing is HUGE has a round hood that is about 2' across at least LOL Will this light work for me to grow and how big of an area will this cover. It only has a small bulb in it now so...