Here are some pics from day 24 and I pollinated a couple little buds and marked them with a twist tie just so I would remember. This thing is so much bigger then the last at almost 6" so far and seems bigger daily. I am not sure what to get as far as yeild on this one due to what seems like many...
cool, I hope my next one is a little better I think last was too dry. My next plant is SO MUCH BIGGER its funny. Has a bunch of bud sites beyond the top one. The last plant was like 1 bud LOL I will measure it later but I think it gets taller everyday. I keep having to lower the pot :)
Thanks I just feed some earthjuice last night. I am not really sure on the amount to give cause I don't understand the dose chart on bottle LOL I used about 1 teaspoon to feed mixed with water. I water half way then finish with the nute water.
Here are some updated pics at 22 days. I will paint a couple buds with pollen tomorrow and then again next week. I had a couple bottom leaves turn pretty brown but the newer growth is green and healthy I think this must be kinda normal cause my other one did the same thing. Once flowering...
Hey Gom since I officially have a female when is the best time to paint some pollen on her? There are at least a half dozen bud sites should I just choose 1 and paint some pollen on it. Not sure if it is too soon. She is 20 days old so about 40+ to go.
Well they were on the bud for a few weeks drying and in a jar before I removed them, is that good enough? Well here a couple pics of her it is official and I think you can tell from the pic that it is a female. Looking kinda droopy but i think my other one did the same thing once it started...
Thanks Monko I had read that, everything went like planned except the time they had to mature. Some of them are pretty big,brown and stripped so maybe they will pop. Thanks Gom you guys have helped me alot.
my exact thoughts were immature or underdeveloped. I knew that I had to pollinate late and there would probably not be enough time. I have alot more pollen so maybe next time. I thought they should look more brown and stripped. Thanks man the one I have growing now I think is female and looking...
I got a total of 50 seeds from the half of the bud I kept and not sure what my friend got. Seemed like a lot of seeds is that normal,, Many of them seem very small already had 1 not germinate. Also got an Auto Haze seed germinating I will start another thread on that one LOL it will be more fun...
I repotted her(I hope its a her LOL ) looks pretty damn good so I hope its not male. lots of branching,, I just sprayed it down with superfoliage spray and will let dry a bit before back under the lights. I have to keep the lights on 24hr due to cold temps. barely in 70 even with lights on all day.
I got 3 myself but still have my half to clean. My friend took half and he got some seeds but did not give them to me yet. I tried to germinate one but no luck so I think it was too green(had slight tint of green to seed still) I have another grow of same purple jem I just kept it in this...
I have never heard of trying that but it sounds like a good idea and the boxes are not very expensive well under 100 you can get one that looks nice. Thanks alot
I got a weight on the last harvest using a non digital scale it came out at around 4-5 grams but I cut the bud in half and gave to a friend. So I would say it is safe to say 7 grams at least dry. I think that is way more than I expected for sure. I will clean and remove all seeds this weekend :)
yeah I feel like I am doing ok for just learning I spend hours a night reading on here. The most difficult part for me seems to be the drying and curing. I am learning though so once I start growing for other patients I should have it down good.