That soil looks awfully dry , looks like u let them dry out for too long and they locked out on ya. Any soil with amendments needs water so plants can take up nutrients . Dont let your plants dry out so much , when u water do u get runoff?
Rabbits are worse , they chew off branches and peel the bark off at the base of stalk , if they make it all around plant , plant dies . But ya deers suck 2!
22 right in the guts, deer will take off and either bleed to death elsewhere or never come back!!:-o 12 guage ? u nutz , maybe during hunting season but during summer? That would draw too much attention for my likings.
I believe that is true , need lots of water in veg to become monsterous! The scientists over at canna seem to believe that also, if u watch some of their videos on youtube they mention that several times.:-o
Dog they look great fuck all the input , atleast they aint fadin at day 35 ., U got a healthy plant goin on , just cut back on gro ferts and pump the bloom to her.
NIce healthy JTR u got there , leaf curl usually comes from high nitrogen. Your plant looks real healthy and green, just a little too green but nothing to worry about. Also i see tiny little nute burn on the tips of your big fan leaf. Like i said nothin to worry about , just next round maybe a...