Need help with magnesium deficiency

I grow in coco coir, and r/o my r/o is 5ppm. My last grow I used AD cal mag grow witch brought my water to about 150 ppm. Then in flower I used AD cal mag bloom 150ppm throughout flower then at about week three they got a lock out and went to shit. This grow I stopped cal mag when I switched to flower. They looked great then I got a mag deficientcy. So I foliar sprayed with epson salt and cleared it up.
Im on week 4 now is there another way to give them mag without foliar spray? I feed 3 times then a little flush then feed 3 and flush. The guy at the hydro shop told me to use cal mag every other feed but im afraid to. I was thinking when I do my flush to add some cal mag or epson? Any help is appreciated. My plants are doing good now just a few leaves show a little bit of mag def.
I did a gallon of r/o water flush in each 2 gallon pot. Then I flushed again with a gallon and tsp of epson. But today I started seeing little spots like a calcium deficiency. I stoped cal mag when I switched to flower.
I have advanced nutrients cal mag grow and bloom. Maybe next time ill use keep using cal mag a week or two into flower. My r/o is 5ppm I always mix cal mag first. The cal mag bloom if I followed the instructions 2ml per liter it would raise it to about 450ppm. I only use about a quarter of that.
What should ppm of cal mag should I make my water before adding nutrients? And how long into flower should I use it for? I also just got a bottle of dyna gro mag pro to use when I stop cal mag. Ive also heard its good to charge coco with 400ppm of cal mag if I do that do I continue on using cal mag throughout the grow cycle?
Thanks for all your help! !


Well-Known Member
start with 200 ppm (.5 scale).
i'm not sure why you want to stop the calmag. I always add it until the last week or so
I watered with plain water and 1tsp epson salt 4 days ago. Today is the start of week 5. I have grow cal mag and bloom cal mag bloom is a lot stronger what ppm do you suggest of cal mag?



Well-Known Member
Not too sure. In hydro i use calmag at 3ml per L on top of my tap water from mid flower until the end. That's about 200ppm worth if i remember right. Hope that helps ya somehow ;)


Well-Known Member
Calcium and magnesium are dependent upon each other. Too much mag you lock up cal. 3:1 ratio of cal to mag is good. Epsom salts can really screw you if you do not understand that. Cal mag has a nice ratio and 100 ppm is what I expect it to raise
My last feed I added AD cal mag bloom witch raised the ppm about 200. Should I do a little flush to get the epson salt out and feed with nutrients and cal mag?
Thanks for everyone's help this is my best grow so far and im trying not to screw it up.
Thanks again!!!