Listen up man, In case you didnt bother to read a thing ive posted. Im not an Obama lover, not hardly.
All ive seen you post is bullshit posed as fact and name calling. For some reason you think that because someone doesnt agree w/ you that they are a socialist or they must be an Obama lover...
Source: US Census Bureau
"On every major measurement, the Census Bureau report shows that the country lost ground during Bush's two terms. While Bush was in office, the median household income declined, poverty increased, childhood poverty increased even more, and the number of Americans...
I have only seen 1 conservative actually answer the question in the posts title, why is that?
BTW Im not a Liberal, sorry to disappoint you. And guess what, I consider myself a patriot and hardly a "liberal pussie". 2 members of my immediate family have held elected office on the state level...
LOL Chicago style politics. be real. REPUBLICANS LOST THE ELECTIONS!!!!!
That means you get what the Dems promised, dont like it get out and vote next election. Spouting off hate filled bullshit doesnt help your cause. Only make you look like a small angry group of wingnuts that didnt get their...
This IS democracy. Remember back in November we had those things called elections. Republicans lost.
The Dems and Obama RAN on the position that they would pass health care reform. They promised it, they got elected partly for it and now they are delivering on that promise.
Democracy is...
Exactly.. And to me more disturbing that TERRORIST is considered a hero to some on the far right. Thats my problem, they seem to encouraging that kind of behavior.
Isnt the use of violence and fear to effect change terrorism defined? The McVeigh's of the world scare me more than the Bin Ladens...
Isnt issuing a "Dem. Hit List" complete w/ cross-hairs encouraging this shit?
Isnt telling people "maybe its time to pick up a gun" encouraging this.
The leaders of the "conservative" movement are encouraging this stuff, plain and simple. They are doing nothing to stop it, in fact it seems...
With the HC bill passing there have been many threats aimed at Dems that voted for the bill including harming them, harming their family members, vandalizing their offices. In once case the brother of a Congressman had the gas line cut at his home and had gas leaking inside...
bah, i knew this was gonna happen after listening to a couple meetings over the internet.
I was seriously considering being a caregiver to a few people that I know whome qualify. So if I want to be a caregiver for 4 sick friends and myself it would cost me around $650 per year plus all my...
Thought I should update. After a few more days in cure the taste has improved, still nothing to write home about but it is better. Im still up in the air whether I'll keep the strain in my grow or not. So I saved 1 clone just in case.
Used "preconditions" to deny people coverage:
A baby being too tall
Organ donation
Family medical history, not personal, family
Being adopted (no way of knowing family history)
The use of many prescription drugs
You've been bamboozled my friend. Go to youtube and watch Beck BEFORE he went to Fox. You wont believe the difference in his views and thoughts.
Using him to support an argument is self defeating. Glen Beck is the modern day Morton Downey Jr.
An entertainer that will say and do mostly anything...
I upgraded from a 150 watt HPS to a 400 watt HPS for flowering. I use the 150 HPS in my veg room now along w/ 4 x 26 watt CFL and an inline fan to cool the 400- watter.
I lowered my bill. Changed my hot water heater temp, changed every light to CFL, turn off the CPU when not using, unplug TV...
Why do we keep on using the term "conservative" when most of the so called "conservatives" in politics are anything but true conservatives?
Lest we forget the last "conservative" administration presided over the largest expansion of government and debt in decades, while for the first time in...