Looking good, subbed.
I have a multi strain perpetual grow. I had germination issues w/ The Church and ended up w/ 1 viable seedling.
I cloned from it and the original Mom is now 3 weeks into flower. I gotta say its the most vigorous strain in my grow. Very well formed and hard buds at 23 days...
Rick that applies only to PUBLIC hospitals, private hospitals are free to keep policy as they like.
I dont think the federal government is overstepping here. If they made private hospitals comply you would have a point.
I started a thread a little while ago to report our germination rates to each other. I figured it would be helpful to have as much info available to us all before you make a purchase. The link is my sig. feel free to add any of your germination rates, it can only help.
I dont plan on ordering beans for a while, got 4 strains of clones flowering and vegging.
That being said Speedy gets my next order, he posts here, Ive talked w/ him. No bullshit at all, just sells GOOD seeds from GOOD breeders at a fair price. Hes a straight shooter and I respect him.
Exactly man, the OP seems to have an issue with Attitude because GHSC sent out lame seeds.
Sorry subtle, but your anger is misplaced. Blame it on the breeder NOT the distributor.
Neither did I, i just called and talked w/ Rachel a couple times and we then emailed after a few overseas calls.... They replaced the lame pack when I placed my next order. Rachel was a lot of help.
GHSC was/is not offering any help. They post on another forum that I use, they have been...
Attitude took care of me, sent me a replacment 5 pack of The Church, that pack was junk too.
Not Attitudes problem, fault totally lies on GHSC. I have no beef with Attitude, they tried to make it right, Ishould note they WILL NOT replace with any other beans than what you originally ordered. So...
Dude, isnt this the second thread on the same subject you started in the last few days?
I had a similar experience and posted about it a while ago. heres the link
To answer quick, GHSC has germination...
I never made a statement or commented in any way on the history here. Not once, so I hope youre not saying im uninformed.
Youre right about the people being more friendly down south. No argument here. I noticed in my travels that Southerners seem to live at a slower pace and are MUCH more laid...
Agreed, I hate to see civilians die too. The main difference being that if it came down to a choice between Americans dying and Iranians dying I'll choose the Iranians.