CRAZINESS!! Listen friend, all things will be good if you have a 6" or 8" induction system with the appropriate inline fan. Put the exhaust end outside somehow (if in a residential neighborhood a charcoal filter is the only other thing you need) and and the intake inside your grow room pulling...
I actually grew some once, the seed pack said "CHEM DAWG STRAIN NUMBER C LAST BATCH EVER!!!!!!!" I wish i would have kept her pure, all I have anymore is a cross I made with Death Star that goes purple on me every other year
Its been beat to death on this site thats all, kind of an inside joke. Now who cares to hear the tale of "Dumpster Myst" the most potent and rare of breeds out of Columbus, Ohio?
OG Kush is Chem Dawg, if it is real. The strain was absconded from the east coast and re named for popularity. The only reason it is more expensive is the name at this point. Once a strain gets named in several pop rap songs the price will undoubtedly go up 10$/gram or so. Good idea though...
Best bet is butane, then finish up with iso/ec or whatever you like to use. That way most of the excess goop gets used too! Always heat and purge, you know its clean when it smells like flowers again. Good luck!
Ive been running personal through a turkey baster, 2 grams at a time with california orange seems to make me a stoned monkey for a couple days. Im looking forward to building a larger apparatus so i can run a pound of trim at a time. Anyone else running quantity like that have any pointers? Thanks
Couch lock nailed it for sure. Vented hoods with 6" or preferably 8" vents. A nice in line fan, a charcoal air scrubber is necessary unless you are not worried about the smell, it will stink!
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All your base, your base. Are belong to us. You are talking about a form of "supercropping." It does indeed sprout new stems and produce nice cola buds, although I have noticed that one cola remains slightly larger. For instance last time I supercropped a pineapple master it sprouted six...
Seriously, there are a few bees around, I think they just wonder in and get stuck. My question is should I try and stop them? I don't really mind much, I just catch them and let them out the window. Do they carry pests? Spider mites? Or maybe they kill mites? Anyways should I worry?
You do to much thinking and not enough growing! Those are bold statements you are making! You can find answers to all your questions here in the forums, just search. I like the idea of not using tap water, we found a spring somewhat locally and use fifteen gallons a week so buying bottles will...
Just order something online that is sold to grow pot. I use happy frog by foxfarm and love it! I am sure that you could make your own, however the time and effort will be better placed in the setup and design of your room. Are you going to clone? Do you have the correct lights. Veg and flower...
Yes, you have this wrong. You will not "stress" a plant to change its sex or go "hermie." Genetics dictate the sex of the seed. Don't stress them, be gvood to them and grow them strong, seperate your boys and girls and have fun, all the info is here on rollitup just look around.