As long as fuck-holes quit blasting inside their fucking apartments and endangering the lives of themselves and every one around them BHO will not be banned in our beloved state.
It don't matter anyhow; Cali banned BHO production long ago, do you think the dispensaries quit selling/and making it?...nope, all they gotta do is drop the B out of BHO...
They call it Shatter, Honey Oil .etc...
Closed loop systems are great for recycling the solvent, but as stated by Twitch...
Many many peeps spend lots o cash on closed units and end up going back to standard column extractions.
Back to banning...
The Nation banned cannabis right?...surely once they ban it....we all listen and abide?
What I fucking hate is when fuckers do blow shit up indoors, the cannabis community starts getting the same rep as meth labs and the like.
Butane will always be produced and people will continue making it regardless of legal status.
Washington State has closed circuit BHO written into their regulations. No open blasting.
Yeah, we had to take a step backward, before advancing the state of the art using closed circuit systems. It is always more comfortable to drop back to the tried and true, when the new results don't work out as planned.
I am far from an expert, but see some fine extracts on this forum and other, plus we have a steady stream of students at various levels of expertise dropping by samples that are top notch, besides having judged concentrates in a major cup competition, so I get to see and sample a good cross section of what folks are making. I offer a standing challenge to anyone who can make a better extract, by pouring off the butane before it is recovered, and finishing off outside the Terpenator, than we can inside the Terpenator.
Not saying that we are the very best, only that we are not chopped liver either and make a first class concentrates operating the Terpenators as designed, that most producers would be proud to claim as their own. Instead of giving up and entrenching with the older methods, consider charging forward into new territory.