Okay my plant is hench but i dnt have any pictures right at this moment i will get some up asap but can any help me with a problem i am having there are lil almost purple spots on some of my leaves mostly the lower older leaves but some of the newere ones havethem to any ideas i will get...
hey guys i havnt updated in a while natasha is getting bigger and has sprouted alot more leaves she is growing healthly but there is some random brown ploge on her leaf any ideas what this could be here are some pics my set up is quite ghetto but i should be getting a cuboard to transform into a...
this is my plants 3rd day and it has come along alot the 2 rigid leaves have grown alot bigger and 2 more leaves have sprouted from the middle of the stalk i am looking in investing in some more lights do u think i should try UV?
this is my K2 plant (natasha) 2nd day sprouted she has grown alot very quickly. straight away u could make out the rigid leaves but now they are alot more pronounced and i cant wait to see it in a week or 2 :joint:
hey, ive been smoking for a long time now but have recently started growing this is my first time growing as i havnt had the chance to in the past, has any1 got any good tips to help my plant grow big and healthy i have named my lil girl Gangela