Not for now but you should start buying some new ones soon. I suggest buying a pack of 4 23 watt daylight at like lowes as they are as expensive as a 4 pack of 14 watt.
im going on 100, getting more today or tomorrow
Its a bulb that you can change the watt input and lumen output with a...
I have been rotating bro
Naw dude its called a light bulb socket (, you can buy those things at like home depot except they have a bottom that plugs into an outlet or in my case extension chord...
got a stapling gun with these staples that are supposed to keep down big wires so it leaves a little room for them; stapled a bunch of then in marked spots, ducktaped 2 strings onto extension chords. Its cool cuz i use the wire for the extension chord in combination with the 2 strings to...
Im growing bagseeds at the moment, they are in such a cool stage, a little 2 leaved tree that has 12 new tiny/small leaves all exploding out of it :grin:
ummm.. so im gonna continue this at, you guys should come check it out, got 63 posts and 909 views at the moment
Yeah I really think the reason its a bit yellow and has slower growth is that it didn't have enough aeration.
The soil feels a lot better now, at 2 inches deep its a little bit moist. I really think that its gonna look a lot better already tonight :grin:
Topping is a high stress training technique. High stress meaning that it can stun a plant. In some cases when the plant gets stunned hard enough, the plant may change sex to a hermie or a male.
thats true, 55-60 is the maximum. Ive actually heard if your humidity is low , your plant makes a lot more thc crystals to protect the plant from drying too quickly. There is a humidity thats 2 low 2 tho (i think its below 30 but I could be wrong)
Im glad my humidity is 34 automatically :grin:
Yeah thats exactly what I did, it worked surprisingly well :-P
Thats what I shoot for normally but im not very careful about it. Ill def start doing that more tho
I don't usually overwater it, I was actually doing really good for a newbie. A friend of mine who has grown a bunch of times told...
Yea dude its worth it to invest in a bunch of cfls. when your plant grows a little bit, more light=more growth.
Dude my plant is in such a cool growth stage right now, shes a 2 leafed seedling that has a bunch of small leaves just about to explode into growth:grin: